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Hire WooCommerce Developers

Hire Remote WooCommerce Developers in 48 Hours

Transform your brick-and-mortar store or your existing eCommerce store into a feature-rich, secure and highly appealing eCommerce solution with WooCommerce. Acquaint is a WooCommerce development company with extensive experience developing eCommerce solutions for a wide range of industries. Our highly trained WooCommerce developers have access to the necessary resources to develop next-generation solutions to give your business an upper edge. Consult the experts at Acquaint for secure, high-performing and custom eCommerce solutions with WooCommerce.

risk free trial.

100% Risk-Free Trial

5 Days

Experience our Transparent Services

Flexible Engagement Models.

Flexible Engagement Models

176 Hours

Working/Month with Direct Resources Access

In-house Pre-vetted Developers.

In-house Pre-vetted Developers


Available Laravel Developers for Hire


Cost-Efficient Process

Save Up to 60%

Save on Development and Maintenance Costs

Like Others Before you

A leading Asian company with an official partnership with

Being a leading software development company, we have formed partnerships to provide you with the best service.

Cost to Hire WooCommerce Developers

Take advantage of our flexible hiring models based on the scope of your project. The expertise and extensive experience of our dedicated WooCommerce team, works to your advantage.

Developer Types Junior Developer Mid Level Developer Senior Level Developer
Estimate Cost $2640 $3520 $4400
Experience Developer 1 - 3 Years 3 - 5 Years 5+ Years
Risk-free Trial 5 Days 5 Days 5 Days
Methodology Agile Development Agile Development Agile Development
Development Manager Yes Yes Yes
Lock-ins No No No
Time Zone Availability Yes Yes Yes
Hire WooCommerce Developers

Our Engagement Models to Hire WooCommerce Developers

Premium WooCommerce websites that fit your budget with our flexible engagement models and are appealing & feature-rich.

Full time hiringFull-Time Hiring Part time hiringPart-Time Hiring hourly base hiringHourly Hiring
View Hire

8 Hours

4 Hours

Hour Basis

Hiring Period (Min)

1 Month

1 Month

25 Hours

Quarterly Advance Payment

2.5% Discount

Half Yearly Advance Payment

5% Discount

Yearly Advance Payment

10% Discount




Phone, Chat, E-mail

Project Trackers

Daily Reports, Basecamp, Jira, Redmine etc.

Simplified Hiring Process


Finalize Requirements

The requirements are analyzed first followed with brainstorming & the necessary technology and skilled developers are selected.


Shortlist Developers

We provide a list of relevant professionals based on technical & interpersonal skills. This is followed by the interview process, the signing of a contract and NDA.


Select Your Team

A set of team members are selected based on custom criteria. The developers selected for the project are provided with the necessary resources.


Begin the Project

The developers start working on the project with the remote development the company handling all the tasks and providing updates reports regularly.

WooCommerce Customization

Custom eCommerce solutions with the feature-rich WooCommerce from the highly trained developers at Acquaint. We have the perfect solution to create shopping cart websites to suit your special requirements.

Responsive WooCommerce Portals

Hire top-notch WooCommerce developers who have the necessary resources and talent to develop feature-rich websites with a strategically designed UI/UX. We ensure our eCommerce solutions are responsive and work flawlessly on all devices, operating systems and platforms, especially mobile devices.

WooCommerce Theme Development

We transform designs into real-world solutions which include our creativity and innovations along with your ideas and preferences. Our dedicated team are highly skilled and keeps abreast with current trends and advanced technologies to deliver robust themes for your Woo-commerce solution.

PSD to WooCommerce

Our skilled team has the expertise to convert your PSD design into a fully functional theme for WordPress and your WooCommerce solution. Our dedicated team of developers have a knack of delivering flawless designs for your custom eCommerce solution.

WooCommerce Plugin Development

A dedicated team of WooCommerce developers to create custom eCommerce solutions by developing custom plugins tailored to suit the needs of your business. Gain the upper edge with our high-level customization with plugins.

WooCommerce for Enterprise

WooCommerce is ideal to develop secure, feature-rich and high-performing solutions. Our talented developers have the expertise to increase your productivity with our strategic Enterprise solutions with WooCommerce.

Migration to WooCommerce

Migrate your existing eCommerce solution to WooCommerce without any data loss or content issues. We have the expertise to allow you to take advantage of the full feature set of WooCommerce and regain the upper edge over your competitors.

WooCommerce Testing Services

We have just the solution for your high-performing WooCommerce online shopping cart for those facing issues of errors and bugs. Our dedicated QA team has the expertise to ensure we deliver flawless WooCommerce eCommerce solutions besides which we can also help you with your existing website.

Headless WooCommerce Solutions

We provide headless WooCommerce solutions where our developers deliver high-performing backends for your eCommerce website and allow you to implement a well-designed frontend with an appealing user interface for a good user experience. It is the ideal solution for creating a single backend for an eCommerce store with multiple fronts.

WooCommerce Store Setup

We have the expertise to set up your WooCommerce store with all the customization you require. WooCommerce offers a simple admin panel with a low learning curve however, we can assist with the advanced features.

Third-Party Integration

Our expert team of WooCommerce developers have the expertise to integrate third-party solutions to speed up the development process and deliver high-performing solutions with tried & tested third-party integration.

WooCommerce eCommerce Development

We have a dedicated team of WooCommerce developers for custom eCommerce solutions. This includes B2B & B2C solutions for your business. We have a great deal of experience providing high-performing solutions which include research, analysis, developing a strategy, testing, and developing robust eCommerce solutions.

Technology Stack Our WooCommerce Developers Skilled

Development & Debugging

WP Control | WP PHP Console | Transients Manager | Debug Bar | Multidev | User Switching


TrustPulse | OptinMonster | LiveChat | RafflePress | Customizer | Currency Switcher


WooCommerce Tax | WooCommerce Payments | WooCommerce Shipping | AutomateWoo | WooCommerce Pre-Orders | Dynamic Pricing

Store Management

Square | Xero | Tab Manager | TaxJar | LightSpeed | Shippo


Astra | Shoppe | Loge | Ultra | Neto

How to Hire WooCommerce Developer in 2023

Hiring Guide for WooCommerce developers

  • What is WooCommerce?

  • What to expect when you hire a WooCommerce developer?

  • Best Practices to follow when you hire a WooCommerce Developer

  • Best way to hire a WooCommerce developer?

  • Benefits of Hiring WooCommerce Developers for your business

  • Cost of hiring WooCommerce developers

  • Hire WooCommerce developers with Acquaint Softtech

What is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is an eCommerce plugin for WordPress. It is free to download, install and configure to your open-source WordPress project. There are also several custom themes available to develop a storefront with WooCommerce for your eCommerce website. It is a good option for creating robust, secure and high-performing eCommerce solutions for your business.

It provides a user-friendly interface to set up your products and services. It can work for small as well as large online stores. It has a long list of features that includes order-tracking & history, quick checkout, inventory management, multiple-shipping options, and a headless store. Besides this it is also optimized for SEO, thus making it simpler to target your audience and increase ROI.

What to expect when you hire a WooCommerce developer?

A typical team of WooCommerce developers with expert knowledge of the open-source CMS WordPress. They will ideally also have expert programming knowledge of the PHP programming language. Some of the other skills will include HTML5, CSS3, XML, AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript, MySQL, and more. This team will have good knowledge of backend and frontend development, and eCommerce solutions in general. They will also have in-depth knowledge of how to develop a WordPress website including customization and developing custom plugins.

Best Practices to follow when you hire a WooCommerce Developer

Hiring an expert team of WooCommerce developers will ensure you have a unique, innovative, robust, secure and effective website. It will also mean you will have an appealing interface to ensure more users visit your site and stay on it for longer. This is possible by following some of these good practices: 

  • Ensure you hire experienced WooCommerce developers.

  • Always verify the portfolio of the development firm you hire to check if you find anything to your liking before hiring them.

  • It is vital first to verify the skills of the developers and ensure they have experience in several other relevant technologies.

  • It is a good practice to also verify the soft skills of the team of experts you are hiring, this includes good communication skills, timely completion of projects, good English language skills, etc.

What is the best way to hire a WooCommerce developer?

Hiring WooCommerce developers for your eCommerce project is not something one should do without proper research since it can make a big difference in terms of security, performance, etc. Here are a few tips to hire a WooCommerce developer:

  • There are several options when it comes to hiring WooCommerce developers for example you can either hire freelancers, a professional development company by outsourcing your project, or recruit a new team by setting up appropriate resources. It is best to outsource your project to a professional development company since they have highly skilled developers and a high level of experience as well. On the other hand, recruiting developers and setting up a house team will mean having to spend a great deal on the infrastructure and also dealing with the salary of the developers. Freelancers tend to charge less but are often not reliable.

  • Verify the skills of the developers you hire. This can be done by conducting interviews and ensuring their skill set. Their skill set should include PHP, HTML5, CCS3, JavaScript, jQuery, core WordPress, custom plugin development, and WooCommerce.

  • It is essential they also have a highly skilled design and QA team with skills to use advanced design tools as well as perform manual & automated testing.

  • It is vital you have a clear idea of your requirements and list them clearly for the professional development company. This is vital to avoid confusion at a later stage and to ensure you end up with an appropriate solution.

Benefits of Hiring WooCommerce Developers for your business

There are many benefits of hiring WooCommerce developers for your business:

  • They have expertise in web development and API development.

  • The team will have experience with developing secure and robust eCommerce solutions.

  • You can be sure that you have appropriate support & maintenance for your eCommerce project.

  • Businesses can depend on them for custom development including custom plugins.

  • WooCommerce developers can configure it for a WooCommerce headless eCommerce store with the option of using one of the many frontend solutions. 

  • WooCommerce allows the development of robust and secure solutions. Additionally, the expert developers will also have the skills to ensure it is an SEO-friendly solution as well.

Cost of hiring WooCommerce developers

Acquaint Softtech have highly affordable rates for Laravel development. It starts from $15/hour and $2640/month.

Hire WooCommerce developers with Acquaint Softtech

Here is why you should hire WooCommerce developers from Acquaint Softtech: 

  • Our technical skills and knowledge of advanced technologies.

  • Fluency in English and timely delivery of milestones.

  • You can save up to 40% of your development cost with us.

  • We take full responsibility to complete your project on time.

  • We bring over 15 years of experience and have already completed numerous projects.

  • You get the full flexibility to expand or shrink your team anytime.

  • You will be in constant touch with us and get daily updates on the progress.

Looking For Related Tech Talent?


Is the 7 days risk-free trial period completely free?

It is a risk-free trial only! It allows you to gain a better perspective of our quality of work.

What is the hourly rate for a WooCommerce developer?

Our WooCommerce development services start from $15

Why hire a WooCommerce developer?

WooCommerce developers are professional developers with high-level knowledge of WooCommerce. They have the necessary skills to develop stunning eCommerce solutions for your business. Their extensive experience and exposure to various industries can work in your favor.

What is the cost of hiring WooCommerce developers? Are there any hidden costs?

Acquaint Softtech have highly affordable rates for Laravel development. It starts from $15/hour and $2640/month. The cost largely depends on the features included in the app and the level of complexity. It also depends on the development firm you select and where they are located. Get in touch with your requirements and we will reply with a quote promptly.

Why should I hire WooCommerce developers from Acquaint Softtech?

Here is why you should go with us:

  • Our technical skills and knowledge of advanced technologies.

  • Fluency in English and timely delivery of milestones.

  • You can save up to 40% of your development cost with us.

  • We take full responsibility to complete your project on time.

  • We bring over 15 years of experience and have already completed numerous projects.

  • You get the full flexibility to expand or shrink your team anytime.

  • You will be in constant touch with us and get daily updates on the progress.

Why should I hire WooCommerce developers in India?

The technical skills of WooCommerce developers in India tend to be better besides which the cost to develop a website is lesser in India as compared to European countries and the USA.

I'm not a technical founder of a start-up. Can I manage a team?

Yes. We offer full support including a dedicated point of contact to guide you through the development process and expert advice as well. 

Can you assemble a team that’s right for my project's needs?

Yes, we have professional consultants with the expertise to understand your project requirements and find the appropriate designers, developers, and QA team necessary for your project.

Is there a project manager assigned to manage the resources?

Yes, we have professional consultants with the expertise to understand your project requirements and find the appropriate designers, developers, and QA team necessary for your project.

What is your payment method after the engagement?

We provide flexible payment methods hence our clients can opt for the most suitable option.

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