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What are Best Practices for Testing Laravel Applications?


What are Best Practices for Testing Laravel Applications?.

Testing is an integral part of the software development process. It ensures that your application functions as expected and helps prevent bugs and other issues from reaching production. Laravel, being one of the most popular PHP frameworks, offers robust testing capabilities that are essential for developing reliable applications.

This article explores the best practices for testing Laravel applications, guiding developers through strategies to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in their testing efforts.

Laravel Testing Environment

Laravel Testing Environment.

Laravel is designed with testing in mind. It provides a built-in PHP testing framework called PHPUnit for unit and feature testing, and it's configured to use an SQLite database in memory by default for testing, ensuring speed and isolation from your development database.

Types of Tests in Laravel

Types of Tests in Laravel.

Laravel supports several types of tests, including:

  • Unit Tests: Unit tests focus on small, isolated parts of the program. In Laravel, unit tests typically test individual methods or classes without considering the broader infrastructure, such as databases or web servers.

  • Feature Tests: These tests involve testing a more significant portion of the application, often a complete user interaction flow. Feature tests in Laravel might hit actual database and cache layers to ensure different parts of the application work together seamlessly.

  • Browser Tests: With tools like Laravel Dusk, you can perform end-to-end browser tests to simulate user interactions with your application in a real browser environment.

Testing in Laravel 10 with PHPUnit

Testing in Laravel 10 with PHPUnit.

Laravel 11 is a new version that introduces many new features, including new testing features. However, the version prior to Laravel 11 used PHPUnit, which is also very effective.

Testing in Laravel 10 using PHPUnit ensures your application's quality and reliability. Here are some best practices and guidelines for setting up and writing tests in Laravel 10 with PHPUnit:

  • Installation and Setup

Ensure PHPUnit is Installed: Laravel includes PHPUnit by default. Make sure it's included in your composer.json file.


"require-dev": {

    "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5"


Configuration: Configure PHPUnit using the phpunit.xml file located in the root of your project. Customize it as needed for your environment.

  • Writing Tests

Unit Tests: Test individual units of code (e.g., methods or classes).

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase


    public function testBasicExample()





Feature Tests: Test larger features of your application, such as HTTP requests and database interactions.


use Tests\TestCase;

class ExampleFeatureTest extends TestCase


    public function testHomePage()


        $response = $this->get('/');




  • Organize Tests Properly

Directories: Organize your tests into logical directories. Laravel provides tests/Unit and tests/Feature directories by default.

Naming Conventions: Use meaningful names for test classes and methods to make them self-explanatory.

  • Database Testing

Refresh Database: Use the RefreshDatabase trait to refresh the database between tests.


use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;

use Tests\TestCase;

class ExampleDatabaseTest extends TestCase


    use RefreshDatabase;

    public function testDatabaseExample()


        $user = User::factory()->create();

        $this->assertDatabaseHas('users', ['email' => $user->email]);



Factories: Use Laravel factories to create test data.


$user = User::factory()->create();

  • Mocking and Stubbing

Mocking: Use PHPUnit's mocking capabilities to replace dependencies with mock objects.


use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class ExampleMockTest extends TestCase


    public function testServiceMock()


        $mock = $this->createMock(UserService::class);





  • Testing HTTP Requests

HTTP Tests: Use Laravel's HTTP testing methods to test your routes and controllers.


use Tests\TestCase;

class ExampleHttpTest extends TestCase


    public function testGetRequest()


        $response = $this->get('/home');




    public function testPostRequest()


        $response = $this->post('/users', ['name' => 'John Doe']);





  • Continuous Integration

CI Tools: Integrate PHPUnit tests into a CI pipeline using tools like GitHub Actions, Travis CI, or CircleCI to run tests automatically when code changes occur.

Automated Testing: Ensure tests run automatically on each push or pull request to the repository.

  • Test Coverage

Coverage Reports: Generate test coverage reports to identify untested parts of your codebase.


phpunit --coverage-html coverage

  • Error Handling and Edge Cases

Exception Handling: Test how your application handles exceptions and errors.


use Tests\TestCase;

class ExampleExceptionTest extends TestCase


    public function testException()



        throw new Exception('Error');



Edge Cases: Write tests for edge cases and unusual input scenarios.


use Tests\TestCase;

class ExampleEdgeCaseTest extends TestCase


    public function testEmptyInput()


        $response = $this->post('/data', []);




  • Performance Testing

Load Testing: Perform load testing to evaluate your application's performance under heavy traffic.

Stress Testing: Test the limits of your application to identify breaking points.

  • Documentation and Comments

Test Documentation: Document your test cases and provide comments to explain complex test logic.

Testing in Laravel 11 with PEST

Testing in Laravel 11 with PEST.

PEST is a modern, PHP testing framework that simplifies writing tests with a more concise and expressive syntax. Integrating PEST with Laravel 11 can significantly enhance your testing experience. Here are some best practices for testing Laravel 11 applications using PEST:

  • Installation

Install PEST: Add PEST to your Laravel project using Composer.


composer require pestphp/pest --dev

composer require nunomaduro/collision --dev

  • Configuration

Initialize PEST: Run the PEST installation command to set up your test environment.


php artisan pest:install

Configuration Files: Customize your phpunit.xml and pest.php configuration files as needed.

  • Writing Tests

Syntax: Use PEST's concise syntax for writing tests.


it('has a welcome page', function () {

    $response = $this->get('/');



  • Organize Tests

Test Directories: Organize your tests in tests/Unit and tests/Feature directories.

Naming Conventions: Use descriptive names for test files and functions to make tests self-explanatory.

  • Database Testing

RefreshDatabase Trait: Use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase to refresh the database state between tests.


uses(Tests\TestCase::class, Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase::class);

  • Factories and Seeders

Factories: Use Laravel factories to create test data.


use App\Models\User;

it('can create a user', function () {

    $user = User::factory()->create();



Seeders: Seed the database with initial data required for testing.



  • Mocking and Stubbing

Mocking: Use PEST’s mocking capabilities to mock dependencies.


use App\Services\UserService;

use Mockery;

it('calls the user service', function () {

    $mock = Mockery::mock(UserService::class);


    app()->instance(UserService::class, $mock);

    $this->post('/users', ['name' => 'John Doe']);


  • Testing Different Layers

Unit Tests: Test individual methods and classes in isolation.


it('adds two numbers', function () {

    $calculator = new Calculator();

    expect($calculator->add(1, 2))->toBe(3);


Feature Tests: Test the functionality of your application, including HTTP requests and responses.


it('returns a successful response', function () {

    $response = $this->get('/');



  • Continuous Integration

CI Tools: Integrate your tests into a CI pipeline using GitHub Actions, Travis CI, or CircleCI.

Automated Testing: Ensure tests run automatically on each push or pull request.

  • Test Coverage

Coverage Reports: Generate test coverage reports to identify untested parts of your codebase.


php artisan test --coverage

  • Error Handling and Edge Cases

Exception Handling: Test how your application handles exceptions and errors.


it('throws an exception', function () {


    throw new Exception('Error');


Edge Cases: Write tests for edge cases and unusual input scenarios.


it('handles empty input', function () {

    $response = $this->post('/data', []);



  • Performance Testing

Load Testing: Perform load testing to evaluate your application's performance under heavy traffic.

Stress Testing: Test the limits of your application to identify breaking points.

  • Documentation and Comments

Test Documentation: Document your test cases and provide comments to explain complex test logic.

Best Practices For Testing

Best Practices For Testing.

Testing is a crucial aspect of developing robust and reliable applications in Laravel. Here are some tips to help you effectively test your Laravel applications:

  • Leverage PHPUnit: Laravel is built with testing in mind and comes with PHPUnit integrated by default. Make sure you familiarize yourself with PHPUnit’s functionalities and syntax to fully leverage its capabilities in testing your applications.

  • Use Artisan for Test Setup: Utilize Laravel's command line tool, Artisan, to set up and run your tests. You can quickly create tests using the make:test command, which supports generating both feature and unit tests.

  • Embrace TDD (Test-Driven Development): Adopt the TDD methodology where you write your tests before you write the corresponding code. This can help ensure your application behaves as expected and can lead to more maintainable and error-free code.

  • Mock External Dependencies: Use mocking to isolate tests from external services. Laravel's built-in facades and helper functions make it easy to mock things like emails, notifications, and events, allowing you to test your application logic without actually triggering real-world side effects.

  • Database Testing: Make use of Laravel’s database migrations and seeders in conjunction with the database testing traits provided by Laravel, such as DatabaseTransactions and RefreshDatabase. These traits can help manage your test database state and ensure tests run with a consistent starting point.

  • Test Different Layers: Ensure you are testing all layers of your application:

  • Unit Tests: Focus on testing small parts of the code in isolation.

  • Feature Tests: Test the interaction between various components of the application.

  • Browser Tests: Use tools like Laravel Dusk to perform end-to-end testing and ensure the application works correctly from a user's perspective.

  • Use Factories for Test Data: Laravel provides powerful model factories that are integrated with the Eloquent ORM. Use these factories to create test data dynamically, ensuring your tests cover a variety of scenarios.

  • Test Validation and Business Logic: Ensure that your application's validation rules and business logic are thoroughly tested to avoid unexpected behavior and bugs.

  • Continuous Integration (CI): Integrate your testing suite with a CI pipeline to automatically run tests on different environments and catch issues early. This is particularly important in collaborative projects to ensure that new changes do not break existing functionalities.

  • Code Coverage: Aim for high test coverage but also consider the quality of your tests. It’s important to ensure that your tests are meaningful and not just written to increase the coverage metrics.

By implementing these tips, you can build a more reliable and maintainable Laravel application, reducing bugs and increasing your confidence in the software you develop.

Advanced Testing Practices

Advanced testing practices in Laravel can elevate the robustness and reliability of your applications. Here’s a detailed look at some sophisticated techniques that can be integrated into your testing strategy:

  • Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Behat or PHPSpec: While Laravel is primarily set up for TDD with PHPUnit, you can integrate BDD tools like Behat or PHPSpec to focus on the behavior and specifications of your application. This approach helps in writing human-readable documentation that doubles as test code, enhancing both understanding and test coverage.

  • Use Mockery for More Complex Mocking Scenarios: Laravel's built-in facades provide a simple way to mock most core features, but for more complex mocking scenarios, such as dynamic expectations, partial mocks, or static method mocks, consider using Mockery. This can be particularly useful when dealing with external web services or complex dependencies.

  • Advanced Browser Testing with Laravel Dusk: While Laravel Dusk is primarily used for browser tests, you can leverage its capabilities to perform more complex browser interactions such as drag-and-drop actions, complex user flows, and JavaScript-driven functionalities. Integrate Dusk with tools like Selenium Grid or BrowserStack to test across a variety of browser environments.

  • API Testing with Postman and Laravel: While testing APIs with PHPUnit is straightforward, integrating with Postman can allow you to maintain collections of API requests which can be used for both manual and automated testing. Laravel’s ability to export routes as Postman collections simplifies this process.

  • Testing Events and Listeners: Ensure that your event-driven architecture behaves as expected by testing Laravel events and their listeners. Use Laravel's built-in event fake to test without actually triggering listeners. Assert that events were dispatched and listeners triggered correctly, which is crucial for the integrity of asynchronous systems.

  • Snapshot Testing: For large datasets or complex JSON structures, snapshot testing can be a useful tool. Libraries like Spatie’s Laravel Snapshot Assert provide the functionality to capture and compare the state of a given output against a "snapshot" stored in your test suite.

  • Performance Testing: Use tools like Laravel Telescope or debugbar to monitor and record the performance of your application during tests. This can help identify bottlenecks in your application and ensure that performance thresholds are met.

  • Security Penetration Testing: Integrate security-focused testing tools and practices to identify vulnerabilities in your application. Tools like OWASP ZAP can be used alongside Laravel to perform automated security scans.

  • Test Driven Environment Configurations: Utilize Laravel’s environment handling to switch between different configurations for different stages of your testing pipeline. This allows you to mimic production settings in a controlled test environment, ensuring that your application behaves as expected across all environments.

  • Integration with PHP 8 Features: Laravel 11 will likely be fully compatible with PHP 8, which introduces features like attributes (formerly annotations), constructor property promotion, and union types. These features can streamline how tests are written and managed, particularly through more expressive and concise syntax.

  • Improved Testing for Queues and Jobs: As background processing becomes more integral to modern web applications, Laravel 11 might introduce or enhance tools for more effectively testing queued jobs, including better simulation and inspection of job dispatching and handling.

  • Enhancements in Laravel Dusk: Advanced browser testing could be improved in Laravel 11, possibly offering better integration with JavaScript frameworks and more robust support for complex user interactions in single-page applications (SPAs).

  • Better Support for Microservices Testing: With the trend towards microservices, Laravel 11 might offer better native support for testing applications that interact with multiple services, including simplified ways to mock external service calls and check inter-service communications.

  • Parallel Testing: Reduce the time it takes to run extensive test suites by dividing the test workload across multiple processes or servers. Tools like Paratest can be integrated with Laravel to run tests in parallel, significantly speeding up the feedback loop.

  • First-class Support for Pest PHP: Laravel has seen growing integration with Pest PHP, a testing framework with a focus on simplicity. Laravel 11 could potentially integrate PEST PHP more deeply. This means offering it as an alternative or complementary option to PHPUnit, equipped with features that leverage Laravel’s unique capabilities.

  • Snapshot and Visual Regression Testing: As applications become more visually driven, Laravel 11 might enhance support for snapshot and visual regression testing, helping developers ensure that UI changes do not break existing functionalities.

  • API Simulation and Testing: Enhancements in testing HTTP clients and simulating API responses could be expected. This would help in more accurately testing applications without the need for actual external calls, using mock data that can be easily configured.

By integrating these advanced testing practices, you ensure that every aspect of your Laravel application is scrutinized under thorough testing regimes, enhancing both the quality and reliability of your deliverables.


By following these best practices, you can ensure that your Laravel application is well-tested, reliable, and maintainable. Regular testing and adherence to these guidelines will help you catch bugs early, improve code quality, and build robust applications.

There is the option either using PEST or PHPUnit to test your Laravel application if you are using version 11. However, for applications prior to that, PEST is not an option.