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Which is better: Laravel or CodeIgniter?

What Is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source PHP web framework designed for web application development. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and includes many built-in features for routing, middleware, templating, authentication, and database querying. Laravel also has a powerful ORM called Eloquent, making it a reliable and efficient choice for developers. Overall, Laravel is a flexible and robust framework that can help developers build web applications quickly and efficiently while following modern best practices.

What is Codeigniter?

CodeIgniter is a lightweight and simple-to-use PHP web framework that follows the MVC pattern and includes built-in features for handling HTTP requests, working with databases, and managing security. It's known for its small footprint and excellent performance, making it a popular choice among developers.

Why Use Laravel?

Why Use Laravel?.
  • Has a larger community and ecosystem

  • Uses the Blade templating engine for building views

  • Has a built-in ORM called Eloquent

  • Includes an Artisan CLI for common tasks

  • Has a built-in testing framework (PHPUnit)

  • Provides more advanced features out-of-the-box, such as middleware, events, and queues

  • Has a more expressive routing system

  • Provides a built-in authentication system

  • Uses the more modern PHP versions (currently, version 7.4+)

also check our our in-depth guide about why use laravel

Why Use CodeIgniter?

Why Use CodeIgniter?.
  • Has a smaller footprint and simpler codebase

  • Offers better performance in some scenarios

  • Does not require extensive configuration or setup

  • Has a simple and straightforward MVC pattern

  • Provides a less opinionated architecture

  • Has a flexible and extensible core

  • Has a straightforward routing system

  • Does not provide built-in authentication or ORM

  • Supports PHP versions as old as 5.3.2, making it suitable for legacy applications

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Features of Laravel:

Features of Laravel.
  • MVC architecture

  • Blade Templating Engine

  • Eloquent ORM

  • Artisan CLI

  • Built-in testing framework (PHPUnit)

  • Middleware

  • Authentication

  • Authorization

  • Events and listeners

  • Queues

  • Robust database migrations

  • Advanced routing system

  • Facades

  • Service container

  • Localization

  • Exception handling

  • Task scheduling

  • File storage

Features of CodeIgniter:

Features of CodeIgniter.
  • MVC architecture

  • Active Record Database Support

  • Simple and easy-to-use framework

  • Session management

  • Built-in caching support

  • Form and data validation

  • Security and encryption

  • Error logging and handling

  • Email sending class

  • Pagination

  • Image manipulation class

  • File uploading class

  • URL routing and redirection

  • Flexibility in coding style and structure

  • Template parser

  • Hooks and Class Extensions

  • Localization support

Difference Between Laravel and CodeIgniter

Laravel Vs CodeIgniter.

Laravel and CodeIgniter are two popular PHP frameworks used for web development. Here are the key differences between Laravel and CodeIgniter:

  1. Database Support: Laravel supports multiple databases including ORACLE, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, MYSQL, PostgreSQL, orientdb, and JDBC compatible.

    On the other hand, CodeIgniter primarily supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft BI, and MongoDB. However, CodeIgniter also supports other popular databases like Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, and others.

  2. Popularity & Current Trends: Laravel is currently at its peak popularity, with its expressive coding style favored by seasoned developers.

    CodeIgniter is easier to use in version 2.x, and therefore, most web developers prefer CodeIgniter.

  3. Structure and Updates: Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) structure of filing and comes with a command-line tool called Artisan.

    CodeIgniter follows the MVC structure as well but is loosely based on Object-oriented Programming.

  4. Built-in Modules: Laravel is designed with built-in modularity features that allow developers to divide a project into small modules through the bundle.

    CodeIgniter, on the other hand, does not offer any built-in modularity features.

  5. Support for RESTful API: Laravel has RESTful Controllers that empower developers to build various REST APIs without spending extra time.

    CodeIgniter does not facilitate streamlined development of REST APIs.

  6. Template Engine and API Building: Laravel comes with a simple but robust template engine called Blade,

    while CodeIgniter does not offer any built-in template engine. The developers are required to integrate it with a template engine tool like Smarty.

  7. Online Help and Libraries: Laravel's official documentation is very elaborate and helpful, and additional help can be obtained from

    CodeIgniter offers plenty of built-in functionality, and their website has a useful guide that can be used without any prior knowledge.

  8. Learning Curve: Laravel offers many additional features that can be difficult to learn for beginners.

    CodeIgniter, on the other hand, is easier to learn and use for beginners.

  9. Stack Overflow Questions and GitHub Stars: Laravel has around 96.7k questions on Stack Overflow and 45.5k GitHub stars.

    CodeIgniter, on the other hand, has around 606k questions on Stack Overflow and 16.5k GitHub stars.

  10. Prominent Companies using the Product: Some of the prominent companies using Laravel include 9GAG, Union, and Geocodio,

    while CodeIgniter is used by Buffer,, and Webedia.

  11. Average Salary: The average salary for a Laravel developer is higher than that of a CodeIgniter developer.

In summary, while both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, Laravel is more popular, has better documentation, and offers more features, while CodeIgniter is easier to learn and use for beginners.

Which is better: Laravel or CodeIgniter?

Both have their own pros and cons. However, Laravel offers you a wider variety of options. Its scalability makes it suitable to build small as well as large websites and web applications. Thus, Laravel gives you an edge, making it a better option.
