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Laravel and other PHP frameworks?

What is the difference between Laravel and other PHP frameworks?

Laravel Vs other PHP frameworks?.

Laravel is the PHP framework, which is improving daily, but how does it perform in front of other PHP frameworks? 

According to SimilarTech, Laravel has been adopted by over 136K sites in the vast landscape of online websites and applications, spanning over 96K unique domains. 

Laravel has been in the market for over a decade, similar to other PHP frameworks we listed. Some Frameworks are more aged and experienced than Laravel. But what makes Laravel a go-to option compared to other frameworks? 

Let’s compare some famous PHP frameworks with Laravel, before jumping to the topic let’s understand little about every framework and compare one by one. 

Comparing Laravel with other PHP frameworks 

  • Laravel 

  • CodeIgniter 

  • Phalcon 

  • Symphony 

  • Yii 

  • CakePHP 

  • Zend 


Laravel is an Open-soured PHP framework popular for its robust features that deliver developers a structured and efficient way of building web applications. Laravel has been in the market for more than a decade and getting updated every year, making it one of the modern frameworks that is scalable and easy to use. Due to this, the popularity has been a great hike in Laravel development services resulting in more demand to hire Laravel developers

Launch date: June 9, 2011 
Latest Update: Laravel 10 

Laravel Core features 

  • Clean and readable syntax 

  • MVC architecture 

  • Powerful routing system 

  • ORM (Eloquent) 

  • Blade templating engine 

  • Artisan command-line interface 

  • Authentication and authorization 

  • Robust community support 


CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework built with MVC architecture patterns, helping build scalable and maintainable code. CodeIgniter is famous for its simplicity and its fast performance. EllisLab initially developed CodeIgniter and has been maintained by the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) since 2014. 

Launch date: February 28, 2006 
Latest Update: CodeIgniter 4.3.0 

CodeIgniter features 

  • Lightweight and fast.  

  • Easy to learn and use.  

  • Flexible and customizable.

  • Minimal configuration is required.  

  • Clear and comprehensive documentation.  

  • Database abstraction with Active Record.  

  • Extensive library of helpers and plugins.  

  • Built-in security features. 

Common features list between Laravel and CodeIgniter 

common features of Laravel and CodeIgniter.
  • MVC architecture 

  • Powerful routing systems 

  • Database support with query builders 

  • Templating engines

  • Caching mechanisms 

  • Authentication and authorization features 

  • Form validation libraries 

  • Error handling and logging 

  • Command-line interfaces (Artisan for Laravel)

  • Active communities with resources. 

Why Choose Laravel over CodeIgniter? 

Why Choose Laravel over CodeIgniter?.
  • Laravel has a more modern and expressive syntax. 

  • Laravel provides a comprehensive ecosystem with features like ORM, routing, caching, and authentication. 

  • Laravel's Blade templating engine simplifies the process of creating dynamic views.

  • Laravel's Artisan CLI automates common development tasks. 

  • Laravel has a vibrant community and extensive documentation. 

  • Laravel follows the MVC architectural pattern for code organization. 

  • Laravel's Eloquent ORM simplifies database interactions. 

  • Laravel supports modern development practices like dependency injection and inversion of control.

  • Laravel offers built-in support for caching, queuing, and event handling. 

  • Laravel has a robust ecosystem of third-party packages and extensions. 


Phalcon is a full-stack high-performance PHP framework known for its exceptional speed and efficiency. What makes Phalcon unique is it is built as a PHP extension written in C and C++. This unique architecture enables Phalcon to deliver remarkable execution speeds and reduced resource usage. 

Launch date: November 14, 2012 
Latest Update: Phalcon V.5 

Phalcon features 

  • High Performance 

  • Low Overhead 

  • C-Extension Architecture 

  • MVC Structure

  • Easy Integration  

  • Full-stack Framework 

  • Phalcon Devtools (Code Generation) 

  • Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL) 

Common features list between Laravel and Phalcon 

Common features laravel & Phalcon.
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture 

  • Routing capabilities 

  • Database operations support (ORM) 

  • Caching 

  • Template engine for dynamic views

  • Authentication and security features 

  • Command-line interface (CLI) for automation 

  • Active community and documentation support 

  • Error and Exception Handling 

  • RESTful API Development 

Why Choose Laravel over Phalcon? 

Why Choose Laravel over Phalcon? .
  • Laravel has a larger and more active community. 

  • Laravel provides a more extensive set of out-of-the-box features. 

  • Laravel offers a more expressive and intuitive syntax. 

  • Laravel has a robust ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) layer.

  • Laravel has better support for testing and debugging. 

  • Laravel has a more straightforward and flexible routing system. 

  • Laravel provides better documentation and learning resources. 

  • Laravel offers seamless integration with popular third-party tools and services. 

  • Laravel has a thriving ecosystem with numerous packages and extensions available. 


Symfony is a robust and highly popular PHP framework known for its versatility and extensive reusable components. Just like other Frameworks, Symphony also follows the MVC structure. Symfony was developed by SensioLabs, a French software development company, and it has gained significant traction in the PHP community due to its reliability, flexibility, and strong community support. 

Launch date: October 18, 2005 
Latest Update: Symfony 6.2 

Symphony features 

  • Modular architecture

  • Reusable components 

  • Stability and maintainability 

  • Large community support 

  • Configurability 

  • Emphasis on best practices

  • Robust testing tools 

  • Flexibility in component selection 

Common features list between Laravel and Symphony 

Common features list of Laravel & Symphony.
  • MVC Architecture 

  • Routing

  • ORM and Database Abstraction 

  • Templating Engine 

  • Caching 

  • Authentication and Authorization 

  • Command Line Interface

  • Dependency Injection 

  • Testing Frameworks 

  • Security Features. 

Why Choose Laravel over Symphony? 

Why Choose Laravel over Symphony?.

  • Laravel has a more intuitive syntax and simpler learning curve.

  • Laravel provides a rich set of built-in features and libraries, reducing the need for additional packages. 

  • Laravel offers a comprehensive and well-documented ecosystem. 

  • Laravel has a more active and supportive community. 

  • Laravel has better out-of-the-box support for RESTful API development. 

  • Laravel provides a powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) called Eloquent.

  • Laravel includes a robust authentication and authorization system. 

  • Laravel's Blade templating engine offers a more efficient and expressive way to build views. 

  • Laravel has a built-in testing framework for easy and effective testing. 

  • Laravel offers better support for caching, routing, and session management. 


Again, a robust and high performing PHP framework built with MVC architecture pattern. What makes Yii unique, that Yii stands for "Yes, It Is!". Yii promotes the concept of "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) by offering code generation tools and a modular structure that encourages reusable components. 

Launch date: December 3, 2008 
Latest Update: Yii 2.0.47 

Yii features 

  • High-performance framework.

  • Code generation tool. 

  • Powerful caching system. 

  • Secure by default. 

  • Integrated testing support. 

  • Extensible and modular architecture.

  • Database migration support. 

  • RESTful API development capabilities. 

Common features list between Laravel and Yii 

Common features list of Laravel & Yii.
  • Modern PHP frameworks. 

  • Follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.

  • Robust routing systems. 

  • Database abstraction and ORM capabilities. 

  • Built-in authentication and authorization systems. 

  • Powerful caching mechanisms. 

  • Command-line interfaces for task automation.

  • Active communities with extensive documentation. 

  • Support for internationalization and localization. 

  • Integration with third-party libraries and tools. 

Why Choose Laravel over Yii? 

Why Choose Laravel over Yii?.
  • Laravel has a larger and more active community.

  • Laravel provides a more elegant and intuitive syntax. 

  • Laravel has better documentation and resources available. 

  • Laravel has a more extensive ecosystem of packages and extensions. 

  • Laravel offers robust support for modern features like real-time applications and API development. 

  • Laravel has a more straightforward and powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system.

  • Laravel emphasizes code readability and maintainability. 

  • Laravel includes built-in testing support for easier and more efficient testing. 

  • Laravel has better integration with third-party tools and services. 

  • Laravel has a faster learning curve and provides more developer-friendly tools. 


CakePHP is an open-source PHP framework known for its simplicity and rapid development capabilities. Developed by Michal Tatarynowicz, a Polish developer, released its first version in 2005. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, enabling Remote developers to build web applications with structured and reusable code. 

Launch date:  April 9, 2005 
Latest Update: CakePHP v 4.4 

CakePHP features 

  • Convention over Configuration 

  • Rapid Development

  • MVC Architecture 

  • Built-in ORM 

  • Flexible Routing System 

  • CRUD Scaffolding 

  • CLI (Command Line Interface)

  • Code Generation 

Common features list between Laravel and CakePHP 

Common features list of Laravel & CakePHP.
  • Modern PHP frameworks 

  • Follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern 

  • Robust routing systems

  • Database abstraction and ORM capabilities 

  • Form validation and data validation 

  • Caching mechanisms 

  • Security features (CSRF protection, input sanitization) 

  • Authentication and authorization management

  • Internationalization and localization support 

  • Active communities and extensive documentation 

Why Choose Laravel over CakePHP? 

Why Choose Laravel over CakePHP?.
  • Laravel has a more modern and elegant syntax. 

  • Laravel has a larger and more active community.

  • Laravel provides a robust ecosystem of packages and libraries. 

  • Laravel offers a better and more intuitive ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system. 

  • Laravel has superior documentation and learning resources. 

  • Laravel promotes better code organization and separation of concerns. 

  • Laravel has a built-in testing suite for easy and efficient testing.

  • Laravel has a more flexible and powerful routing system. 

  • Laravel offers advanced caching mechanisms for improved performance. 

  • Laravel has better support for RESTful APIs and microservices. 

Final words 

As we saw, compared to other frameworks, Laravel stands out because of its robust packed features. As it was built to simplify the development process, making it the best choice for any brand to became a Laravel development company to grow their business. But remember that every Framework has its quality that reflects when used for what it has meant to be. Choosing the Framework also depends on your budget. 

You can’t go wrong with either Framework. But it would be great to choose Laravel, an advanced framework that is faster, easy to implement, scalable, and compatible with other frameworks. Making it the best for developing all types of web applications. 

If you want to Build a robust web application using Laravel or any other PHP framework, consider to hire remote developer from Acquaint, as we provide the best solution for any development needs. 
