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What are the requirements for installing Laravel?


Laravel is the most popular PHP framework in 2023, because of the increasing Laravel development service more developers started to adopt it because of the tools and features It offers. If you're new to Laravel and eager to get started, you must ensure that your development environment meets the requirements. So, let’s see if your system has everything you need to start with Laravel development journey. 

Requirements for installing Laravel 



Laravel is built using PHP, so having a compatible version of PHP installed on your system is crucial. Laravel requires PHP version 8.1. Make sure you have PHP installed on your system. You can check your PHP version by running the command php -v in your terminal. 

It's recommended to use the latest stable release of PHP to ensure compatibility and take advantage of the latest features and performance improvements. 

PHP Version ≥ 8.1 


PHPUnit is a widely used testing framework in Laravel. A tool specifically designed for PHP that allows developers to write and execute unit tests for their code. PHPUnit provides a comprehensive set of features and functionalities to make testing more straightforward and efficient. 

As for the new version, Laravel needs PHPUnit 9.0. To ensure compatibility and take advantage of the latest features of Laravel, it’s recommended to use the PHPUnit version that is compatible with the Laravel version you will use. 

PHPUnit version 9.0 

Laravel Ignition 

Laravel Ignition is an open-source error page and debugging package for Laravel applications. It provides developers with enhanced error pages, detailed stack traces, and additional debugging information, making it easier to diagnose and fix issues during the development process. 

As for the latest update, Laravel 10 requires Laravel Ignition version 2.0. By Following the recommended version guidelines will ensure optimal compatibility and functionality of Laravel Ignition in your Laravel application. 

Laravel Ignition version 2.0 


Composer is a powerful dependency manager for Laravel. Composer helps to handle dependency management, autoloading, version compatibility, updates, and integration with the broader PHP package ecosystem. A crucial tool for managing Laravel dependencies. 

Composer simplifies the process of pulling in Laravel and its required packages. Head to the Composer website ( and download the installer suitable for your operating system. 

Web server configuration 

A web server is a crucial requirement to run a laravel application. You can choose from popular options like Apache or Nginx. So, you must configure the web server properly to handle PHP requests effortlessly. To learn more, check out our Easy guide to installing Laravel, were we cover development server setup. You will get the answer you need. 

Additional PHP Extensions 

Laravel relies on several PHP extensions to provide its rich feature set. Make sure the following extensions are enabled in your PHP configuration: 

  • OpenSSL: Required for secure connections and encryption. 

  • PDO (PHP Data Objects): Allows communication with databases through a unified interface. 

  • Mbstring: Enables manipulation of multibyte strings, essential for working with internationalization and Unicode. 

  • Tokenizer: Helps with tokenizing PHP code, a critical process for various Laravel features. 

  • XML: Required for XML parsing and manipulation. 

  • Ctype: Provides character classification functions, often used for string validation. 

  • JSON: Enables working with JSON-encoded data, a common data format in modern web applications. 

Want to know more with full list of updated requirements, look on packagist to know more.  

If you are planning to grow your business with a website, consider to Hire Laravel developer for your development process; Not only will it save you precious time, but it will also deliver exceptional results. 

Also, check out our easy guide to installing Laravel in a few easy steps. (Answer link: How to install Laravel) 
