“Making mistakes, getting it almost right, and experimenting to see what happens are all part of the process of eventually getting it right.”
– Jack Canfield.
You may be a pro-programmer, but mistakes happen. While programming in any language, errors are bound to happen, and the real challenge lies in dealing with it, isn’t it? In the case of PHP, many ugly and complicated code errors can arise as it is a very easy-going language. So, testing code becomes mandatory. But a good programmer never lets go of his code until he has tested them.
The reason PHP is the most favored language is that it comes with everything a programmer needs. The bunch of PHP testing tools can give you a tough time while choosing since all are equally good. To cut short your confusion, I’ve listed here my personal 5 favorite PHP Quality Assurance Tools. Check it out!
Created by Sebastian Bergmann in 2004, PHPUnit is one of the popular frameworks for testing. It is designed in such a way that it can detect bugs in the code quickly and easily. Through its specific units, you can make sure everything is tested correctly. Moreover, the test cases developed in it can be reused and only requires an initial setup.
This testing framework of PHP is quick, reliable, and efficient. It uses techniques like test isolation and parallelization to ensure good performance. Atoum tests are very readable with expressive method names and chaining. You can effortlessly develop test mockups and integrate them into the PHP system in no time.
Apt for browser testing, the chief purpose of this testing tool is acceptance testing and integration testing. Selenium testing tool is easy to set up and supports almost all of the available browsers out there. The best thing about it is that it can transform the tests into browser API commands and provide the expected results.
An automated testing tool from Laravel, Dusk can be used as a standalone (via chrome driver) or with Selenium. It has an easy-to-use API and covers all the testing possibilities like waiting for elements, file upload, mouse control, etc.
A fully-featured Unit & BDD test framework, Kahlan supports stubbing and mocking out of the box with no dependencies, code coverage, reporting, etc. It is extensible and has a customizable workflow. It will allow you to write tests and gather code coverage faster.
Read Also: QTP v/s Selenium | Difference Between QTP and Selenium
No matter how confident you are about your codes, there is nothing wrong with testing them before the final show. Hope this article might have cast some light on the PHP testing tools you were looking for. Do share which one you find best among these or any other you think is better than above all on our Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin pages.
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