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GPT - 4 is a job stealer of software developers?

October 1st, 2024
GPT - 4 is a job stealer of software developers?.


The world has been engulfed by generative AI. Yes, we are discussing ChatGPT4 from Open AI. The AI industry is only growing more popular with the introduction of Bard and AI-powered Bing by tech behemoths like Google and Microsoft! But how will AI affect careers in software development and development itself? Above all, will AI take the role of software developers? Will it also have an impact on remote teams and outsourced software development teams?

Each technology out there is looking to boost their efficiency by providing the ebay technology usages to its users. AI is no different. By using Generative AI, any software developer can increase their productivity, write an errorless code, and can meet user expectations.

Let’s begin by understanding what are some Myths or Misconceptions around Generative AI

Myths and Misconceptions around Generative AI?

Myths and Misconceptions around Generative AI?.

A number of myths have to be addressed that are circulating around the practical use of AI in software development. AI will replace developers:

One of the biggest fallacies is that AI will replace human developers

While AI can automate repetitive tasks and generate code snippets, it doesn't bring with itself the creativity, problem-solving skills, and contextual understanding that a human developer brings to the table. AI is to augment developers, not replace them.

AI Can Understand Context

One of the common myths about AI is that it understands the context of the project and hence chooses what has to be implemented. It is all about patterns and data that are trained into AI.

It doesn't understand more than that—no understanding of the bigger context or the needs of the project and the expectations of the users at large in software development. AI generates perfect code:

While AI code writing is not perfect

Developers still need to review, debug, and further optimize the generated code to meet desired standards and correct functioning.

But, can Generative AI boost developers efficiency? Yes, it can boost the efficiency of the developers for sure.

Let us understand how?

How can Generative AI boost developers efficiency by 10x?

How can Generative AI boost developers efficiency by 10x?.

According to one prediction by Ark Invest, Generative AI like ChatGPT - 4 can boost the efficiency of the developers by increasing their efficiency and productivity by 10x.

By automating tasks which needs recurring codes using AI, allows developers to focus on more complex code writing which is necessary for the development, doing this can also reduce turnaround time and enhance the productivity,

Automating recurring codes can allow developers to use their time to create codes which requires a creative thinking that can be performed by humans only. Additionally using AI to check syntax errors, write clean codes, debug codes and many more basic requirements can be a helpful move.

Releasing a code has the known ability to expedite the software development process. Additionally, generative AI can be used by developers to improve code reuse. The code that can be reused can be located using generative AI, which can then modify it to fit the needs of a different software development process.

Now, let us understand why software developers should not fear from AI

Generative AI and Software Development

Generative AI and Software Development.

Whether a company is an outsourced software development company who helps hire remote developers or whether you are an in-house developer, you should not fear AI.

Let’s see this, Marko Anastov, who is a co-founder of Semaphore CI/CD, states that Generative AI has created fear amongst the developer community. He stated that a few groups of developers are worried that AI will steal their job, whereas others are completely ignoring its usage.

But in reality both approaches are wrong, said Anastov, while suggesting that developers should integrate AI into their workflow to boost their productivity. One of the best examples here is  GitHub Copilot.

Writing clean code more quickly has proven to be advantageous with the AI I partner programmer. OpenAI's Codex is a generative language model that powers the GitHub Copilot.

But, does Generative AI lack anything which a human has? Yes, it surely does miss the “Context”. Let’s talk about this in brief in the forthcoming section.

What does Generative AI miss?

What does Generative AI miss?.

Software development and generative AI can work together well, although AI cannot accomplish all jobs by itself. AI is now fueled by data given into it rather than by human intelligence. ChatGPT and other generative AIs are unable to comprehend the human context of computing. As a result, software developers must include more information and design a suitable user experience.

But, where can developers use AI, i.e. what are some tasks where AI can be used seamlessly?

What are some tasks where developers can use AI?

What are some tasks where developers can use AI?.

Enhance the user experience of your product with AI.

The user interface of ChatGPT and other generative AI is one feature that they have and will continue to enhance. You will need to update any software that needs user input, such as a search bar or similar feature.

You may enhance user interaction with your software applications by incorporating generative AI.

It is not possible for Generative AI to write the whole code on its own without your intervention

Although AI is writing the code to create apps, it would simply scan through the already provided database to do so, that’s when a developer needs to intervene to execute a more sophisticated code.

Developers can use AI to create basic code and later enhance it according to their requirements using their expertise. If you’re a software developer who is reading this it is your time to enhance your tech stack with AI development skills.

It's difficult to find syntactic mistakes in code; let AI handle that!

You've developed a lengthy piece of code, but for some reason it isn't working. Now, this might be the result of a syntactical error or similar issue. It's not easy to notice these little mistakes, though. Give it to AI to handle.

Through the use of machine learning techniques, generative AI can identify syntactic flaws in a code. DeepCode and other generative AI technologies scan your code and suggest fixes for syntactic issues, increasing your productivity.

Now, let us understand what a Generative AI GPT - 4 is?

What is GPT - 4?

The newest version of OpenAI's language model is called GPT-4, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4, and it comes after GPT-3. It introduces a number of noteworthy enhancements while building upon the capabilities and accomplishments of its predecessor.

So,  let us understand what some programming languages GPT - 4 knows.

What programming languages does CGPT - 4 know?

Unlike a human programmer, GPT-4 is an AI language model and does not naturally "know" or understand programming languages. A substantial amount of text material from the internet, including samples of code written in several programming languages, is used to train GPT-4. As a result, it can produce text that looks like computer code or answer questions about programming.

Despite the capability, it is crucial to note that GPT - 4’s excellence in generating code or assisting with programming tasks is very minimal to the learnings it has gained during the training.

It also lacks practical programming knowledge, a lack of understanding specific language syntax or an ability to debug or execute codes. So, when it comes to programming-related tasks, it becomes necessary to consult a dedicated programming resource and use tools which are specifically designed for programming languages.

Now let us first quickly understand the differences between GPT - 4 and GPT - 3?

GPT - 4 vs GPT - 3: What are the differences?

Improved Contextual comprehension

When compared to GPT-3, GPT-4 exhibits better contextual comprehension, producing more logical and pertinent answers. GPT-4 can understand the complicated context and deliver more content that is appropriate for the situation because it was trained on a larger and more varied dataset.

Greater Parameter Count

GPT-4 has more parameters than GPT-3, which enables it to capture more subtle linguistic subtleties. More precise and nuanced replies are produced with a greater parameter count, which gives the created material a more organic, human-like feel.

Domain Specialization

GPT-4 concentrates on domain specialization, whereas GPT-3 is more versatile across multiple domains. GPT-4 is optimized for particular use scenarios, resulting in enhanced domain-specific knowledge and performance.

Handling Restrictions

GPT-4 tackles restrictions noted in GPT-3, namely the sporadic production of inaccurate or skewed data. To mitigate these concerns and ensure the development of more neutral and dependable material, stricter criteria and quality control methods are put in place.

Better Quality Control

To improve the precision and dependability of generated material, GPT-4 is subjected to stringent inspection and quality control procedures. The work that OpenAI has put into improving the training procedure reduces the likelihood of biases and mistakes in the text that is produced.

Improvement in Naturalness and Coherence

When compared to GPT-3, GPT-4 demonstrates improvements in producing replies that are more natural and coherent. Text produced feels more like human-generated content because of the increased parameter count and enhanced contextual comprehension.

Ongoing Human Input Learning

GPT-4 expands on the achievements of GPT-3 by utilizing the enormous volume of online human-generated content. GPT-4 is able to continuously improve its language generating skills because of its continuous learning process.

Potential for Specialized Applications

GPT-4's domain specialization creates opportunities for enhanced performance in particular fields, meeting the demands of a variety of industries. It is a potential tool for a variety of applications, including customer service and content creation, thanks to its enhanced capacity and competence.

Now, let us quickly understand the Use Cases of GPT - 4?

What are the Use Cases of GPT - 4?

GPT-4 is useful in many real-world situations due to its sophisticated language creation capabilities. Here are a few noteworthy applications where GPT-4 can have a big influence:

Content Generation and Copywriting

GPT - 4 can help content writers in generating high-quality content for their articles, blog posts, etc. Moreover, it can also help copywriters in writing ad copies by providing them creative suggestions, or refining their previously drafted copies and maintaining a consistent brand tone and style.

Customer Support and Chatbots

Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by GPT-4 can provide more precise and human-like interactions with clients. It can respond to consumer questions, give product details, and make tailored recommendations, all of which increase client happiness.

Language Translation and Interpretation

GPT 4 can also understand the language and generate it to make it valuable for machine translation services thus helping users in translating the language. Moreover, it can also help in translating text or even can implement a real-time interpretation during conversations and meetings.

A personalized Recommendation

Because of its contextual awareness, GPT-4 can offer tailored suggestions for a variety of content, including movies, books, music, and merchandise. To provide customized options, it can take into account user comments, historical behavior, and personal preferences.

Creative Writing and storytelling

GPT - 4 can also partner with budding and experienced content writers to help them in generating top-notch ideas, developing characters for stories, and creating an engaging narrative. If used properly, GPT - 4 can be a valuable tool for authors, screenwriters and content creators who are looking for inspiration and story prompts.

Academic Writing and Technical Writing

GPT-4 can help researchers and students write essays, academic articles, and technical documentation. It can help with information organization, reference suggestions, and language polishing.

Virtual Simulation and Training

Not only the above, but GPT -4 can also generate realistic and contextually appropriate responses to make it suitable for virtual simulations and training scenarios. Moreover, it can be your interactive virtual character, who will provide real-time feedback, guidance and simulations for different situations.

Content Moderation

GPT-4 can assist in automating processes related to content moderation by recognizing and marking potentially hazardous or inappropriate information. It can help to increase the effectiveness of moderation procedures and lessen the workload of human moderators.

Now, let us understand what are the Limitations of GPT - 4?

What are the Limitations of GPT - 4?

Startups from all over the world are using the capabilities of GPT - 4 to minimize their reliance on human coders to cut costs. Using GPT - 4 enables the organizations to automate coding tasks and generate code snippets of different applications.

The improvements in the contextual understanding and an increase in the parameter count of GPT - 4 allows users to produce more accurate code.

GPT-4 can help startups by handling repetitive activities, producing code quickly, and offering suggestions for code optimization. GPT-4 provides a workable alternative for companies with limited resources, enabling them to deploy their funds more wisely even though it cannot replace human coders.

However, there are a number of limitations where  GPT 4 lacks the right intent and capability.

Absence of Domain-Specific expertise

Unlike programmers and developers, GPT-4 lacks the practical comprehension and domain-specific expertise. It can produce code samples, but it might not understand the underlying ideas, recommended procedures, or finer points of particular programming languages or frameworks.

Limited Debugging and Troubleshooting Capabilities

GPT-4 is primarily concerned with code generation; it lacks the capacity to diagnose or debug code. Complex mistakes, logical problems, and performance bottlenecks are frequently difficult to diagnose and resolve without human experience and a thorough grasp of the source.

Inadequate Context Awareness

A significant portion of GPT-4's language creation depends on the given context. Code may be erroneous or incomprehensible if the context is unclear or lacking. When developing code, programmers and developers may make educated decisions because they have the ability to understand the larger context, project needs, and user expectations.

Maintenance and Long-Term Support

The process of developing software necessitates regular bug fixes, updates, and maintenance. Because of GPT-4's restricted capabilities, complex software systems are difficult to maintain and develop over time. Developers and programmers have the skills and expertise needed to support apps for the long run and ensure their viability.

Teamwork and Problem-Solving

Programming frequently calls for brainstorming sessions and group problem-solving. Apart from generating code snippets, GPT-4 is unable to contribute creatively, provide insights, or engage in meaningful dialogues.

Creativity and Innovation

Although GPT - 4 is helping in generating code based on its pre-learned patterns there are instances that it might not possess the creativity and innovation which is needed for developing a new algorithm or an approach. Whereas, developers and programmers thrive to think outside the box and push the boundaries to become more efficient.

Based on the above limitations, it can be said that no matter if it is  GPT - 4 or GPT - 3, AI cannot completely replace the excellence brought by programmers and developers. AI is here to only assist them and not replace them entirely. Therefore, it is advisable to say that developers and programmers should focus on learning how to use GPT - 4 to boost their productivity.

Now, let us compare a few AI Tools you can used for your software development

AI Tools: A worthy Comparison

AI Tools: A worthy Comparison.





GitHub Copilot

Suggests codes, auto-completes, and generates the whole code snippets

Nice integration with Visual Studio Code, enhances coding efficiency, supports multiple programming languages.

Still in the learning phase; it is occasionally inaccurate or less optimal in its code suggestions.


Analyzes code to detect and fix bugs, security vulnerabilities, performance

High accuracy in detecting issues, supports multiple languages and integrates with a variety of IDEs and version control systems.

Can be resource-intensive and often flags false positives.


AI-powered code completion that predicts and suggests the next lines of code

Supports many programming languages, it integrates with popular IDEs and can even run offline

Not many options for customization, sometimes gives irrelevant suggestions


Suggests context-driven code, snippets, examples based on millions of code repositories

Enhances productivity, reduces bugs related to coding, supports multiple languages, IDEs

Requires internet access to work completely; premium features are behind a paywall

Now, further let us understand AI and how it is helpful in other industries.

AI and its Use in Different Industries

AI and its Use in Different Industries.

Generative AI is making waves across industries. In its entirety, it has so much potential to revolutionize multiple sectors. This includes:


AI is being used to develop predictive models of patient diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and suggestions for personalized medicine. It aids in the analysis of large data sets of medical records to find patterns and insights that can improve patient outcomes.


It is applied in the financial industry for fraud detection, risk assessment, and automated trading. AI algorithms can process trends of markets, making an approximate prediction based on the stock's movement and giving personalized advice to the user related to finance. AI also takes over man-operated jobs such as advising the users financially with customized advice.


AI-powered personalized learning tools, automated grading systems, and adaptive virtual tutors are some examples of how AI can be incorporated into the learning process. These AI-based tools allow customization of one's learning style, instant feedback, and create a much more efficient way of learning.


In an industry like Retail, AI is used for maintaining inventory, enabling customer service chatbots, crafting personalized marketing and forecasting the demand of the products. Moreover, it also helps retailers to understand consumer behavior, optimize the supply chain and improvise the customer engagement.


AI plays a vital role in the manufacturing industry, as it drives companies to maintain quality, optimize their manufacturing process etc. It also helps in identifying the defects, predict the equipment failures and optimize the process of production to decrease the downtime and increase the efficiency.

Apart from the above mentioned industries, AI is also revolutionizing marketing industry with its efficiency

What are the future trends to keep in mind circling around Generative AI.

When we talk about AI, the future of software development looks promising, as there are several trends that are set to change the industry:

AI Ethics

With the increasing integration of AI into development processes, ethical concerns related to bias, transparency, and accountability will become quite important. Developers will need to ensure that AI models are fair, unbiased, and ethical.

New Programming Paradigms

AI may result in new programming paradigms where developers' roles become more supervisory or curatorial of code rather than creators, with AI producing and optimizing code.

Evolving AI Tools

These AI tools will evolve further to give still more advanced features such as real-time collaboration, predictive analytics, and even more intuitive generations of code.

AI-Powered DevOps

The infusion of AI in DevOps will make operations smoother, predict system failures, automate troubleshoots, and optimize resource management for an overall efficient development lifecycle.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

AI will improve AR and VR development with better tools to create more immersive experiences, forecast user interactions, and improve performance.

How Acquaint Softtech can help you with Software Development

Acquaint Softtech is an IT outsourcing business that offers services like software development outsourcing and IT staff augmentation. We take great delight in leveraging the Laravel framework to create new projects as an official Laravel partner.

The greatest option for your company looking to hire remote developers is Acquaint Softtech. Our expedited onboarding procedure allows developers to become a member of your current team in 48 hours.

We are also the greatest option for any outsourced software development work because of our $15 hourly rate. In order to satisfy your needs for specialized development, we can help you hire remote developers, hire MEAN stack developers, hire MERN stack developers, and outsourced development services.

Wrapping Up!

In conclusion, generative AI like ChatGPT- 4 will significantly raise the bar on productivity, automate tedium, and let developers do complex creative problem-solving. Clearly, AI is able to confer quite a large amount of gain; however, it cannot complement the contextual understanding and creativity of a developer in certain areas.

Only by embracing AI as a tool that will augment their skills can both developers and organizations see new heights of efficiency and innovation. Businesses like Acquaint Softtech will ride on the ensuing waves to provide the best outsourced software development services that will keep businesses ahead in this fast technological era.


Will AI replace software developers?

Obviously not. It automates the repetitive task and is capable of churning out code snippets but lacks creativity, problem-solving capabilities, and contextual understanding. AI has been developed to augment developers rather than to replace them.

How can generative AI boost developers' efficiency?

It can highly boost the efficiency of a developer by automatically completing recurring tasks, spotting syntax mistakes, and producing clean code in return. As such, it unleashes human potential onto more complex, artful components of coding and, therefore, boosts the productivity of working.

In what aspects is GPT-4 limited for developers?

GPT-4 lacks domain-specific expertise, practical knowledge about programming, and the ability to debug and maintain complex software systems. It has some abilities in code generation based on patterns, but it does not fully understand the context or expectations of a user.

How can AI be integrated into the workflow of software development?

Tools such as GitHub Copilot can be leveraged to bring different AI capabilities right into the software development workflow, including code completion, debugging, and generation of code snippets. Leveraging AI in routine tasks will free up developers' time for really difficult problem-solving and creative coding.

Why should software developers not be scared of AI?

There is no cause for one to be scared of AI; it is a tool that aids and complements the ability of developers, not replacing them. Integrating AI into their workflow will allow developers to augment their productivity, reduce their turn-around times, and focus on solution creation that requires creativity and human ingenuity.

Passionate about Generative AI & want to use it for your development?

We at Acquaint Softtech specialize in developing custom softwares using modern day technologies and advancement


Mukesh Ram

Founder and CEO, Acquaint Softtech

I love to make a difference. Thus, I started Acquaint Softtech with the vision of making developers easily accessible and affordable to all. Me and my beloved team have been fulfilling this vision for over 15 years now and will continue to get even bigger and better.

Table of Content
  • Introduction

  • Myths and Misconceptions around Generative AI?

  • How can Generative AI boost developers efficiency by 10x?

  • Generative AI and Software Development

  • What does Generative AI miss?

  • What are some tasks where developers can use AI?

  • What is GPT - 4?

  • AI Tools: A worthy Comparison

  • AI and its Use in Different Industries

  • What are the future trends to keep in mind circling around Generative AI

  • How Acquaint Softtech can help you

  • Wrapping Up!

  • FAQ

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