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What is MVC in Laravel?


What is MVC in Laravel.

Laravel is a popular PHP framework built on MVC architecture. In Laravel, MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, an architectural pattern that helps the developer in the development process in several ways. MVC is the essential feature in Laravel that serves Laravel development companies or developers with a faster development process. So, what does MVC architecture mean, and why is it so important?

What is MVC in Laravel?

MVC is a Model view controller, an architectural pattern. What it does is it helps developers to organize and structure web applications. MVC is divided into three main components: Model, View, and Controller. Let’s understand what these components are and what they do.


MVC Model.

Think of ‘Model’ as a part of the code that deals with data. It represents the information you want to work with within your application, such as user records, blog posts, or products in an online store. ‘Model’ knows how to interact with the database and perform tasks like fetching, updating, or deleting data. It encapsulates primarily business logic and the logic related to data manipulation.


MVC View.

The ‘View’ is responsible for what the user sees and how they interact within the application. It defines the user interface, like the web pages or templates that display information. In Laravel, Views are created using a templating engine called Blade. They allow you to mix HTML and special template tags to display dynamic data from the Model. The ‘View’ focuses on presentation and doesn't contain much logic.


MVC Controller.

The ‘Controller’ acts as a bridge between ‘Model’ and ‘View’. It handles user requests and decides what actions to take. When a user interacts with the application (e.g., submitting a form), ‘Controller’ receives that request and decides which ‘Model’ methods to call to fetch or modify data. Once the ‘Controller’ has processed the request and obtained the necessary data from the ‘Model’, it passes it to the ‘View’ for rendering. ‘Controller’ contains the logic that connects the ‘Model’ and ‘View’ together.

Opting for Website Development Without MVC

Development Without MVC.

Code Readability issue

MVC helps separate different application aspects, such as data manipulation, user interface, and request handling. Without separation of concerns, code can get messy and difficult to read and understand, resulting in hard-to-maintain and modify code.

Reusability issue

Reusing code can get complex without MVC separation, ending up in duplication of code. It would make it harder to modify or reuse them in different parts of the application.

Difficulty in testing

Testing the application as a whole may be challenging, as dependencies between different parts can be harder to manage.

Maintainability issues

As the coding length increases, it is hard to maintain the code, and making changes or adding new features is more challenging. It can lead to more bugs and a slower development process.

There are many hurdles if the MVC architecture is not adopted. Without MVC, it would be hard for Laravel development companies to generate faster and maintainable code. Resulting in slow Laravel development services. Thanks to the features Laravel provides, it gets easy for developers to work with it.
