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10 Must Follow Steps of Mobile App Development Process

July 29th, 2019

Mobile applications have made our lives as easy as applying butter on bread. The reason for mobile application popularity is our dependency on smartphones. Almost every work and task of the human being is done by mobile apps. Therefore, it encourages many entrepreneurs to develop their own applications. This post contains 10 must-follow steps of the mobile app development process.

Developing the first mobile application is always a tough task for the newbie. So they need the expert support of other companies like Acquaint Softtech. Being a leading mobile app development company, our dedicated development team witnessed many success stories for newborn applications. So trust us, we are the best source to give suggestions on the same topic.

“When you’re introducing a mobile app, you look around and say, ‘We could be doing 15 different things. But how do we communicate to someone why they would want to download and even sign up for this thing?”

– Kevin Systrom, co-founder of Instagram.

The above quote is the real reward for every newbie app owner. To sustain in the cut-throat app market, you have to find the real problems. The popular mobile application always has a solution to a problem. So all you have to do is find appropriate problems or fresh ideas around you.

To create something beyond expectation, keep asking some basic questions to yourself. Find the answers to why do you want to create a mobile app? Do you want to march with the trend, or did you come across a problem that you feel an app can resolve? The answers to this question will identify whether your application will be successful or not.

Due to our vast experience, we jot down ten steps that likely will help create your first application. It’s all up to you. Take from it what suits your strategy best, or follow it to the hilt. The important part is to get started.

10 Must Follow Steps of Mobile App Development Process

App Ideation

Having an idea is not profitable. You have to make the best out of it. A popular application always depends on the issues, resolving issues, or alteration of the existing app. If you have a fresh idea, then make sure to research monetization. Otherwise, it will be worthless.

Look around yourself, find the real issues to get the winsome ideas. Try to involve creativity in the idea and provide the wings to it. If your application is helpful, entertaining to users, then surely they will stick with the application. So the first and foremost thing is to work on the idea and strengthen your base because a great imagination leads to a profitable application.

Target Your Priority

Creating the first app is always fascinating. Usually, most of the app owners are in a hurry to publish it on the app store. The reason behind most apps being ignored in terms of low numbers of downloads is the unplanned dive. If an application is developed as per the target audience and proper monetization tactics, then it will be the best in both worlds.

The best practice to make a successful application is to identify your audience. If you have a proper idea about your customers, then it’s easy to add the relevant features to the app. It helps in developing user-friendly UX/UI.

You can’t start a product simply by building it. You have to know why you’re building it, and you might go down the wrong rabbit hole, waste time, and confuse things. Spending long afternoons with a sketchbook or talking through your ideas with other people can save a year in software development later on.

– Mike Krieger, co-founder of Instagram

What is the value of an attractive and classy app if it doesn’t make money for the owner? Set up a revenue model for your application before the mobile app development process steps are started. So you can easily figure out that creating an app will be profitable or not. Monetizing an application means setting a revenue model that is gonna stay with it and make you a profit.

Choose The Right Way

You must choose the right path for reaching closer to destiny. Otherwise, failure has reasons. To develop an application that sustains, you must select a proper app category, suitable app development platform, and apt technology. If the ingredients and process are perfect, then the dish will surely be tasty. The same goes for app development.

There are mainly two types of app development platforms - native and cross-platform app development. In the native app development, two popular platforms are available Android and iOS. We all are concordant in the point that both Android and iOS are popular mobile operating systems.

It’s a battleground, and everybody wants to go with the sharpened weapons. Therefore, the application must be compatible with the latest app development tools. It’s all up to you, either choose Native or Cross-platform. Cross-platform can help you in terms of reducing the development cost and development time.

Also Read: Important Tips to Reduce Mobile App Development Cost

Design The Dream App

It’s the actual step to implement all your requirements in the design. Mobile app design is a crucial factor in the whole process because of the impression. Users will engage with application design, UI/UX, and graphics. If all are appealing and attractive, then it will be profitable.

App design is the only thing that can stand out for your app in the crowded application market. At Acquaint Softtech, our on-demand mobile app UI design fully focus on astounding UI design, multi-touch gestures, mockups, etc. Our app designers are filled with the creativity to decode your complex ideas into a masterpiece and a loveable design.

Wireframing is another way to organize your app features and content. One can try prototyping to get the actual idea about the final output of the application. You can demand and discuss the prototyping with the relevant app developer. Hiring the right mobile app developer also makes a difference.

App Development Tools

Tools can reduce development time and make the mobile app development process steps easy. Every mobile app developer is addicted to specific development tools for a smarter workflow. If you are creating an app for the first time, then you must research the latest tools. Put your priority on the board and choose the tools as per your requirement.


Latest Mobile App Development Tools

  • Android Studio for free official Android IDE

  • Appcelerator is a popular RMAD tool

  • Sencha Touch for prototype, design & development

  • Unity 3D for creating attractive UI and video ads

  • Cordova allows code once and uses it anywhere

  • Zeplin for real-time sharing, editing the design

  • Fastlane for automated tasks

  • CocoaPods dependency manager for iOS

  • ScreenHero for pair programming capability

Also ReadBest of 2019 Free Mobile App Development Tools

Choose The Right Partner

If you’re a digital nomad and can code your app, then it’s cool. On the other hand, if you are not a technical person, then you need an expert. Choosing the right app development partner is very tough. Therefore, all you need to do is research well on the Internet. To ease this mobile app development process steps, we are the solution.

Acquaint Softtech is a leading mobile app development company with having a vast successful portfolio. We are the right app development partner for every newbie app owner. Our dedicated development team strives to develop something beyond expectation. We always revere the client’s idea and suggest some expert advice to make the app more profitable.

You can easily find thousands of IT companies by searching “Mobile app development company” on Google. The top-ranking results don’t mean the suitable ones. So while you are hiring an IT company or app developers, all you have to do is research well, examine the client reviews and feedback. Try to check the contact details and discuss the mobile app development process steps, deadlines, and project requirements with the relevant mobile app development company.

Also Read: Top 15 Mobile App Development Companies

Fast Development

It happens with most newbie app owners, they keep adding features in the app to make it perfect, but as a result, it takes a lot of time to develop the app. Therefore, set the priority and stay with it. The best way to reduce the development cost and time is to create an app that has only the most crucial features. The rest features can be added to the updated version.

“It took less time to build “Instagram” than it did for me to get my work visa. The app was an instant hit, and Facebook agreed to acquire the startup for about $1 billion in April 2012.”

Mike Krieger, co-founder of Instagram

Though it may look irrelevant to launch the application with the basic vital features, it is a clever product-building tactic. So, keep your priority features clear and make sure to include them in the application. By opting for the cross-platform, one can reduce the development time and boost the development speed.

Smooth Deployment

App creation and deployment are parallelly important for successful output. It requires planning, schedule, and control over the live application. Make sure you have back-end support for any issues. QA testing of the app can fix all the bugs at the initial state. It looks promising if an application comes with vital factor and keep updating with the latest features.

“As Android, iPhone, and other mobile platforms grow, we are moving away from the page-based Internet. The new Internet is app-centric and often message-centric.”

– Keith Teare

Pro Tip: You can launch the beta version of the application and handover it to your audience or testers. They can easily review the application and give feedback for improvement. It’s all up to you that you revere the suggestion and edit the application or not.

Make It Social

Don’t get confused. We are not talking about marketing your application. Social Media is not only for advertisement. It can be used for branding as well. Social media is the most powerful platform for elevating brand identity at a pro-level. You can create a campaign to spread awareness of your application.

The best thing about social media is filtration. Anyone can set a filter for targeting the audience. Thus, it is always affordable to start a campaign on Facebook. It’s easy to promote app downloads through Facebook by placing targeted filters such as age group, interest, gender, and retargeting.

App Store Optimization

Once your first app starts getting attention at the App Store, you can leverage any social media marketing tactics. But what to do if the app store doesn’t show any mercy for your dream application. For getting attention from the users and rank at the top of the app store, you have to play unique.

If a robust website that brings attractive design, alluring UI/UX, with best services, but somehow it couldn’t rank in Google organic search. Then what is the meaning of all the features? We can use SEO in this situation. The same goes for ASO. It helps if a bloated application couldn’t reach closer to the top rank in the App Store.

Try to put your keywords in App name (Title) and Descriptions. You can choose long-tail keywords by using Google keyword planner. Keep the focus on attractive and catchy screenshots. You can add a description video in the same format. Attractive graphics are the best practice for Android applications (Google Play Store).

Also Read: Google Play Store Hacks: How To Get More Downloads For Your Android App

Post App Launch

What a tedious process. Now relax and see how the app performs. Are you one of those? The most common mistake by newbie app owners is to relax after the launch application on the app store. Try to boost the app downloads by using social media marketing or app store optimization.

The best thing one can do is examine the reviews and feedback from users. No matter how good or bad comments your application achieves, accept all as feedback. Try to improve according to users. Identify the exact problem audience is facing with your app and strive to resolve the issues in the updated version.

Key Takeaways

  • Have an interesting idea? Make a plan for it.

  • Identify a target audience for your dream app.

  • Select the app platform, category, & technology.

  • Design the app with wireframing & prototyping.

  • Select app development company i.e. Acquaint Softtech.

  • Eliminate all unusual features while developing.

  • Testing is a must. The app should be bug-free and smooth in UI.

  • Build a social media image for the app to aware people of vision.

  • Boom! The story begins, launching your app in the best way.

In A Nutshell

Being a leading mobile application development company, we are well aware of the excitement of every newbie owner. It’s a totally different feeling while creating the application for the first time and launching it on the App Store. Most of the app owners think that users are gonna install their app no matter what. But in reality, a new app hardly gets only a couple of downloads. So stay in reality, don’t expect too much.

If you are looking to create a mobile application under experts, then we are the best choice to rely on. Acquaint Softtech is a renowned mobile app development company, having the most dedicated and experienced mobile app development team. Be relaxed and see how our team creates magic for you. Feel free to discuss your requirements with our experts. Drop your inquiry at or give us a call at +1 773 377 6499. Keep SHARING this piece of content with your bestie.


Mukesh Ram

Founder and CEO, Acquaint Softtech

I love to make a difference. Thus, I started Acquaint Softtech with the vision of making developers easily accessible and affordable to all. Me and my beloved team have been fulfilling this vision for over 15 years now and will continue to get even bigger and better.

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