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Angular vs. React

March 7th, 2023

This is the digital era where a high percentage of consumers and businesses will assume that your business has a website for them to refer to and obtain more information. There are many technologies one can use to develop a website, and there are many types of websites one can develop. Professional firms like Acquaint Softtech offer Angular development services and several other frontend solutions. 

It can be a simple online presence, an eCommerce website, or a custom solution. JavaScript is associated with developing many different types of websites, especially frontend development. Angular and React are two popular JavaScript based options that can be used for frontend development. This article compares the two.

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source JavaScript frontend framework with the latest version-13, offering enterprise-ready development solutions. It is essentially a client-side framework that can be used to deliver high-performing & scalable websites and is used with many other technologies like frontend and backend ones. It is managed by Google and uses an MVC model, has two-way data binding and dependency injection.


Acquaint Softtech is a Angular development company that offers a wide range of development services. We have a highly skilled and well-trained team of professionals to deliver stunning solutions. 

What is React?

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library created by Facebook that deals with the view layer for both Web and Mobile applications. It can be provided on the server side, along with working on the client side.

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library created by Facebook that deals with the view layer for both Web and Mobile applications. React rose to popularity rapidly after being released in 2013, making the development concept of "component-based architecture" very popular. It has in-built support for AJAX and HTTP and has massive community support. The error handling and validation are excellent and help separate the user interface and business logic. 


Acquaint Softtech is a React JS development Company that offer a cutting-edge React Development services and has a dedicated team of developers for this purpose.

Angular vs. Bootstrap: A Comparison of Frontend Frameworks

Expand your business by using the frontend technology that is right for you. What is the difference between Angular and Bootstrap?

Difference Between Angular and React

Both Angular and React have their pros and cons. Here are some of the key differences between them:

  • Angular is a full-fledged framework that simplifies the development process and possesses several libraries to add additional functionality. On the other hand, React is a library with rich UI components and an MVC design. It also happens to be more flexible. 

  • While Angular supports two-way data binding, React supports one-way data binding, which means unlike Angular, change in the UI input will not affect the component state. 

  • Angular supports dependency injection, thus allowing each store to have a different life cycle. However, React does not support this.

  • Both Angular and React first compare the previous DOM and only add the differences; the difference being with Angular, it is an incremental DOM, but with React, it is a Virtual DOM.

  • Angular is supported by Google and uses TypeScript & HTML, while Facebook is by React and uses JavaScript & JSX.

  • Angular is a JavaScript framework, while React is a JavaScript Library.

  • With Angular, one faces a higher level of complexity when attempting to develop a solution; however, it does offer database binding and allows making changes dynamically. On the other hand, ReactJS mainly focuses on the interface (View section). Additional tools are required to process other sections of the application

Common Applications and Examples



Several software solutions have used Angular to offer users a more interactive and personalized experience. The stunning UI of the Microsoft Office 365 online platform has been mainly possible because of Angular. Some of the other famous firms that have implemented Angular for their dynamic online interface include Gmail,, IBM, Upwork, Samsung, Forbes, Rockstar Games, The Guardian, and Deutsche Bank.

  • Video streaming applications

  • e-commerce applications

  • Real-time data application

  • User-generated content portals

  • Content-based websites

  • Progressive web applications

  • Native mobile applications

  • Single-page web applications

  • Gaming applications

  • Cloud-based applications



ReactJS can be used in a wide range of applications, and several popular companies have already taken advantage of this. For example, Paypal has taken advantage of ReactJS in designing its interface with highly intuitive navigation and stunning user experience. Besides this, the websites of both Facebook and Netflix also use ReactJS for speed and seamless user experience, as do companies like WhatsApp, Instagram, Yahoo, New York Times, Discord, Dropbox, and Atlassian.

  • Web apps (React.js)

  • Video streaming platforms

  • Media sites

  • Software as a Service tools 

  • Desktop Apps (React + Electron.js)

  • Progressive Web Apps (React + Ionic)

The Verdict

There are several technologies that make it possible to develop innovative frontend solutions. Angular and ReactJS are both useful for frontend development. However, both have several features that make them unique as well. ReactJS does appear to be a lightweight option for quick applications. On the other hand, Angular is a comprehensive solution and ideal for scaling applications in the future. Both are powerful technologies that will help speed up your application; the advantage of Angular is its more in-built functionality.

Acquaint Softtech is a React development company where you can hire a remote developers for your software requirements. Listed here are some of the main advantages of using Angular and React to help you decide:

Angular Advantage

  • It uses the super-set for JavaScript. TypeScript offers superior navigation, refactoring services, and auto-complete, eliminating errors within code while developing enterprise-scale applications. 

  • It is supported by one of the major companies, Google, which also maintains and updates it.

  • It is a high-performing framework that offers a wide range of features useful for developing your website or app. 

  • There are several third-party tools available that can enhance the functionality of your software, and Angular allows simple integration with such tools. 

  • This is a highly customizable framework that can be used to create the ideal solution for your business.

  • The two-way data binding feature plays a big role in the ability to offer more to the users. 

  • Angular efficiently optimizes server communication to eliminate the extra load on the CPU.

  • It is possible to eliminate external dependencies using the POJO model (plain old JavaScript object) and allow developers to focus on the primary goal of the project. 

  • Testing is essential to ensure the quality of the software; the advantage of Angular is that testing is an integral part of it.

  • It is possible to take advantage of Angular material which is a modern UI that helps create applications with excellent user experience.

  • Single-page websites are very effective and serve the purpose of several industries. Angular is specially designed to create robust single-page apps. 

  • It implements the MVC architecture, thus ensuring the business logic is independent of the user interface. It also makes it simpler to modify the user interface and add new features. 

  • Angular offers the features of "Ivy Renderer," which is one of the best tools for code debugging and creating a user-friendly experience. 

  • Angular offers the complete solution, thus allowing one to develop a full-fledged solution.

React Advantage

  • React apps save a lot of time and increase web page efficiency by refreshing the user interface to update the data, eliminating the need to reload the web pages. 

  • Organizes the code for future optimization and increases the readability of code. Hence, easy dead code elimination results in a better user experience and loading speed. 

  • Separate logic and controls help build reusable components. Making application development faster and easier, and more comfortable nesting components to build complex functionalities.  

  • It eliminates the need to update data in the real structure and uses a virtual structure to update the data. This mechanism produces high-performing React apps, no need to take the extra load while loading the web pages, faster response times, and a smooth client-side experience. 

  • React JS possesses a robust community worldwide. From beginners to experienced developers, everyone enjoys building apps with the maximum reusability of components that React offers. 

  • Ideal for boosting the speed of the development process. It is also easier to manage the development process.

  • Applications developed using React are easier to maintain due to their high flexibility & modular structure, which helps save a huge amount of time and cost for businesses.

  • It takes less time to develop stunning solutions; one of the main reasons is its ability to reuse components. It helps save time; besides which, since components are independent of each other, changes made do not affect different sections of the project.


Which has a better future, Angular or React JS?

Both Angular and React JS have their pros and cons. Besides this, they are also both supported by well-established firms. Hence they both are likely to be used in future projects as well.

Is there more demand for React than Angular?

React has already established itself as a versatile technology for both web and mobile applications and is preferred by a higher percentage of the startups. On the other hand, Angular is the preferred choice for larger applications and big companies.


Shivang P.

Full Stack Developer

I am Web Designer at Acquaint Softtech and have 6 years of experience. My proficiency in CSS & JavaScript allows me to design highly creative & innovative website designs. Besides this, I also have good knowledge and skills in various other technologies like WordPress, PHP, MySQL, Oracle, and more.

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