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How To Create QR Code Scanner App With Online QR Code Generator

June 21st, 2019

QR code scanner is beneficial for shopping, optimizing contact details, consumer advertising, etc. It is handy for every smartphone user. But there is a contradiction between the QR code scanner and the Barcode scanner. Most people don’t know the difference between both terms. Actually, a QR code is a subset of a Barcode. That’s why a QR code is also known as a 2D barcode. Being a leading mobile application development company, we are well acquainted with the QR code scanner app and how to create such applications with ease. So in this post, we are diving into the depths of the QR Barcode scanner, QR code and also will learn how to create a QR code scanner app with an online QR code generator.

What Is QR Code & How Does It Work

QR code compiles the abstract form of Quick Response code. It is similar to the Barcode but carries some advanced features. QR code shows the information in a 2D way, horizontal and vertical. So it is remarked as the most secured and trusted code in terms of usability. Mostly Barcodes depict the information in the only horizontal direction. A QR code is a trademark for a type of matrix Barcode, or we can say it is a subset of a Barcode.

QR code scanner is used for connecting the physical world with digital space. Any smartphone user with a QR code scanner can see the exact information, contact details, connect to Wi-Fi by scanning QR code. It allows the user to redirect a web page in a browser without typing the web address and provides fast payment authority. For decoding the QR code, users have to use image capturing devices such as a phone camera that can show the data and information by scanning a unique pattern.


Difference Between QR Code & Barcode

  • The first and foremost difference between the QR and Barcode is the origin. The QR code is a subset of Barcode. As we all know, Barcode has several types, and a QR code is one of them.

  • It’s mentioned earlier that QR holds the data and information in 2D. On the contrary, Barcode comes with a single-dimensional track. That ability to scan the code in two dimensions makes QR codes faster and more secure than Barcode.

  • While talking about space, QR wins the battle. QR takes lesser space, while Barcode covers a bit more area because of its conventional design.

  • The main reason behind the popularity of the QR code is its 360-degree readability. Users can scan a QR code from any angle, while a barcode doesn’t have such flexibility.

  • The best feature of the QR code is that it works even if it is damaged or covered by dirt. It allows the error margin on code up to 7%-30%, Barcode fails to cater to that feature.

Use Of QR Code & QR Scanner In Daily Life

QR code is the one with black square code with white background. A QR code is quite popular for its fast accessing of code and monitoring the items with ease. Nowadays, QR code has become a part of our daily life. As the popularity of payment wallet apps has been increasing in the market, QR codes can be found at almost all shops. It can convert the information or URL into the code form, so users don’t need to remember and type URL in a web browser. They just scan the code, and it will automatically redirect the website. Nowadays, QR codes are also used for social media page links, vCard, calendar, WiFi-tracker, Show Text, business card, placing a call, or sending an email.


Why You Have To Create QR Code Scanner Application

QR code is the one with black square code with white background. A QR code is quite popular for its fast accessing of code and monitoring the items with ease. Nowadays, QR code has become a part of our daily life. As the popularity of payment wallet apps has been increasing in the market, QR codes can be found at almost all shops. It can convert the information or URL into the code form, so users don’t need to remember and type URL in a web browser. They just scan the code, and it will automatically redirect the website. Nowadays, QR codes are also used for social media page links, vCard, calendar, WiFi-tracker, Show Text, business card, placing a call, or sending an email.

How To Create QR Code Scanner App With Online QR Code Generator

Now, the possible question from your side would be how to create a QR code scanner app with an online QR code generator? To dive into the depths of this, let’s talk about online QR code generators and some free tools.

Online QR Code Generator

There are multiple options available on the internet for a QR code generator online. Most of the tools are free to use and ready to quickly implement for personal use. Some software or applications have a paid version, but they are convenient and more reliable. Here we are suggesting some online and free QR code generators that will surely make your code scanner easy to use. Google QR code generator is the best option for the inbuilt app. You can create an application for Android by using a library like ZXing as well as for iOS. You can stick a business logo with a custom Quick Code generator.

Google QR Code Generator

Google always keeps developing applications and easy-to-use tools for this digital era. Google QR code generator is also a helpful tool for QR code and barcode generation. It allows users to generate an instant QR code without any worries. Google Chrome mobile also offers an in-built QR code scanner. The QR code can be generated for Google maps, Youtube channel, vCard, Google Docs, Contact detail, and Facebook page.

QR Code Generator With Logo

The QR code has started making a buzz in the market, so it is likely to be used for marketing purposes. A QR code with a logo has more chance to convert visitors into potential customers. It all happens with a function of QR called error margin (7% to 30%) that allows to scan or read code even the code is damaged or dirty. So any business can place its logo on the Code image using 30% of the image. It looks unique and creative for every business that has a QR code with its brand logo. There are multiple ways available on the internet to create a custom QR code. It could be a USP for your QR code app if you cater to custom quick response codes with a business logo.

Free QR Code Generator

As mentioned earlier, most QR code readers are free to use. Therefore a huge number of free QR code scanners are available on the internet. Google QR code generator and scanner are free to use. It offers many functionalities to make application code easy to use. Other free QR code generators are Visualead, QR code monkey, QRcraze, Unitag QR, and many more. By using this type of free code generator app, anyone can elevate a business campaign and increase business sales. To make the best use of a quick response code, you have to go with paid services. The free QR code generator is not flexible for multi-purpose use.

Visual QR Code Generator

This is something special, or we can say, the most advanced form of custom Quick Response code. The visual QR code allows generating a code image with a company logo in full length. Color is also free to use in the code image. Popular companies like FedEx, Harley Davidson, Starbucks Coffee, Disney, and Coca-Cola used the visual QR code to impress customers and creatively engage them. There are many options available to create a visual QR code for your application or business. Visualead and QR code monkey are a couple of them.

QR Code Generator Android

To make a profitable QR code application, Android allows users to use QR codes with its library. There is a QR code library called ZXing (zebra crossing). It is an embedded library in Android, used for generating and reading the QR code. Generating an instant QR Code requires basic coding experience. But if you are unaware of coding and want to create a QR code generator app for Android, you must hire an Android app developer to make the best out of it. For a business, a QR code can be of a vital role in marketing and engaging the customer in a whole new way. A mobile app development company can help you out if you are not familiar with the coding.

FAQ About QR Code Scanner App & Online QR Code Generator:

How do I scan the QR code in my browser?

All you have to do is install the official ZXing app for Android. Open Mozilla Firefox on a smartphone. Tap on the URL bar and tap on the QR code icon. Automatically ZXing will open. Scan the code, and it will redirect the web address in your web browser. It is as easy as your phone password…

How to scan the QR code in iPhone via browser?

iPhone doesn’t allow an in-built QR code scanner. But with the Chrome browser for iOS, you can quickly scan the code. Long press 3D touch on the Chrome icon, tap on “scan QR code.” And it will scan any QR code to redirect to the web address. This feature is also applicable to Android devices. For a simple code scanner on iPhone, you can use a QR reader in the Wallet app on iPhone or iPad.

How can I create QR codes for free?

There are tools available on the internet for customizing QR codes. You can easily design your custom business QR code with a logo for free of cost. Some popular free QR code generators are Visualead, QR code monkey, QRcraze, Unitag QR, etc. For a customized business QR code scanner, you have to deal with a mobile app development company.

How does QR code payment work?

As we know, QR code is a virtual process, the QR code payment work as a contactless payment method. Users should scan the QR code and make a payment through the mobile app. Shopkeepers have to show the QR code, and the payee should scan the code and submit the desired amount to the merchant. Actually, QR code design with an algorithm where code can redirect Email, URL, Text, or contact details. By scanning the QR code, users indirectly get the relevant details.

Does QR codes and Barcode are same?

No, both are not the same, but both are for the same purpose. The QR code is a subset of Barcode. As we all know, Barcode has several types, and a QR code is one of them. QR holds the data and information in a 2D way. On the contrary, Barcode comes with a single-dimensional track. That ability to scan the code in two dimensions makes QR codes faster and more secure than Barcode. The main reason behind the popularity of the QR code is its 360-degree readability. Users can scan a QR code from any angle, while a barcode doesn’t support such flexibility.

In A Nutshell

As we all know the basics of the QR code and also understand its types. The QR code generator can create a QR code for Google map, website, YouTube channel, Facebook page, contact details, and Google Docs. It is used to promote marketing campaigns and increase sales by engaging the customer in a whole new way. QR code scanner or code reader is also helpful in consumer advertising with a code generator. There are many ways for QR code generation, such as Google QR code generator.

Are you looking to develop a profitable application for generating and scanning the QR code? Then we are the right choice. Acquaint Softtech is a leading mobile application development company. Our dedicated developers have vast experience in crafting app for QR code generators. Feel free to discuss your requirements with our experts. Drop your query at or give us a call at +1 773 377 6499. If you find something amusing in the post, then keep SHARING this piece of content with your colleagues.


Mukesh Ram

Founder and CEO, Acquaint Softtech

I love to make a difference. Thus, I started Acquaint Softtech with the vision of making developers easily accessible and affordable to all. Me and my beloved team have been fulfilling this vision for over 15 years now and will continue to get even bigger and better.

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