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How to Choose the Right IT Outsourcing Partner?

December 5th, 2023
Best IT Outsourcing Partner.


Selecting an IT outsourcing partner is a critical decision for businesses aiming for cost-effective solutions, specialized expertise, and efficient project management. Some of the key factors for the selection process include: 

  • Expertise & experience

  • Reputation & client feedback

  • Communication channels

  • Security measures

  • Cost analysis & transparent

  • Scalability & flexibility

  • Risk assessment


Businesses worldwide now realize the wide-scale benefit of outsourcing their project requirements. It is a fast-growing trend among modern companies. This is a good and strategic business decision, and as more firms worldwide are getting it right, they must make a more informed decision when it comes to choosing an outsourcing service. 

There is more to selecting an outsourcing partner than you can imagine. Choosing the right one will ensure you develop the perfect software and, at the same time, can focus on your pressing business matters. Choosing the right IT outsourcing partner is crucial for the success of your projects. This is a comprehensive guide on how to accomplish this.

What Is IT Outstaffing or Outsourcing?

Both IT outsourcing and outstaffing involve leveraging the services of highly skilled IT firms lending their special skills and talent to help your software solutions. However, there is a subtle difference between the two. 

IT outsourcing refers to the practice of contracting certain IT functions or services to external service providers. On the other hand, IT out-staffing is a specific model within IT outsourcing. A company augments its in-house team with external professionals who work remotely but are considered an integral part of the client's team.

Outsourcing was already quite popular, and the global pandemic of COVID-19 gave it a big boost, making it the choice of an increasing number of businesses worldwide. Here are several facts and statistics to support this:

What Is IT Outstaffing or Outsourcing?.
  • Revenue from IT Outsourcing worldwide in 2023 is likely to rise to USD 460.10 Billion and by 2028 to $777.70 Billion USD.

  • The expected growth rate globally between 2023 and 2028 is expected to be 11.07%. 

  • Outsourcing has changed the business landscape. 

  • Advancements in technology have played a vital role in transforming the outsourcing industry and making it more appealing and useful.

  • Some of the popular countries for outsourcing projects are India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Poland, and Ukraine. 

  • 31% of IT services will be outsourced in 2023. 

  • Some popular outsourcing trends in 2023 include AI-powered automation, predictive analysis, decision-making, and enhanced customer interactions.

When to Outsource Your IT Services?

The ability to outsource software development requirements is a winning option for most businesses. It becomes the path to their success and helps them gain the upper edge over their competitors. However, what is more beneficial is knowing which is the best time to outsource your requirements.

Deciding when to outsource IT services depends on various factors related to your business needs, resources, and strategic goals. Make more informed decisions and take advantage of the ability to outsource with details on when to outsource:

When to Outsource Your IT Services.
  • Need for expertise in a specific technology:  With rapid advancements in technology, it is highly likely that you lack the expertise in a certain technology despite having an in-house team. Outsourcing is the perfect option in this case. 

  • Reduce expense: If your organization is looking to reduce operational costs, outsourcing can be a cost-effective solution. It allows you to access skilled professionals without the overhead of hiring, training, IT infrastructure, and maintaining a full-time in-house team.

  • Scaling the business: If your business experiences fluctuations in project volumes, outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale up or down quickly without the challenges of hiring or laying off in-house staff. This is one of the best options to optimize your business operations. 

  • Require more flexibility: Firms who prefer to have more flexibility with their business operations regarding project time, cost, expertise, and team size can do so by outsourcing their IT services. 

  • Working on more projects than the business can handle: It is not uncommon for a company to find themselves in a situation where they have more projects than they can handle. This is not the ideal time to spend money & and resources recruiting new team members to expand the team. Outsourcing your workload to expert software development firms is one most effective methods of dealing with this type of problem.

  • Require additional resources and access to advanced technologies:  If your organization is looking to adopt the latest technologies but lacks the expertise, outsourcing to a provider with up-to-date skills can ensure you stay competitive. Expert use of the latest technology is key in ensuring you gain a competitive edge. It will take the skills and experience of a professional team to help you achieve this. Such professional companies are highly resourceful and have the perfect pool of talent to help you with your project.

  • Faster time-to-market:  At times, businesses tend to have an idea that they wish to get to market fast or one that is time-sensitive. This is the ideal time to outsource your project to experts with the necessary resources and skills to help you achieve this. Take advantage of their speed and agility besides their advanced skills to ensure you develop a next-generations project and launch it fast as per your schedule. 

  • Lack of in-house experience: When your organization lacks the specific technical expertise needed for a project, outsourcing to a provider with the required skills can be beneficial.

  • Accelerate project timeline: When you have tight project timelines and need to accelerate development or implementation, outsourcing can bring in additional resources to meet deadlines.

  • Beyond scope: When IT tasks are not core to your business but are necessary for its operations, outsourcing allows you to focus on your core competencies while experts handle technical aspects.

Ready to streamline your project development?

Discover the ideal time to outsource your software projects and maximize efficiency! Find out how outsourcing can benefit your business today.

How to Find the Right IT Outsourcing Partner?

Finding the right software outsourcing partner is crucial for the success of your projects. It is vital you consider the fact that there is no face-to-face communication, which can pose a challenge. 

The outsource partner might be located in a different country; hence, this can lead to timezone issues for which you need to be prepared.

How to Find the Right IT Outsourcing Partner.

Here are a few essential tips on how to find the right software outsourcing partner:

  • Define Your Requirements: Clearly define your project scope, objectives, timelines, and expected outcomes. Identify the specific IT services or expertise you require. It is important you have a clear picture of your requirements and the scope of the project. This will enable you to communicate your requirements more clearly and get a more accurate response from the remote team.

  • Conduct Thorough Research: Explore multiple outsourcing companies and providers. Use online platforms, industry forums, referrals, and directories to create a list of potential partners. Extensive research is essential; it might also be a good idea to seek recommendations from your trusted sources. However, the Internet is a good source of information, and one can obtain detailed information by searching in the right manner. It is a good practice to gather as much information as possible about the firms prior to shortlisting.

  • Do Not Restrict Yourself to Nearshore Outsourcing: Outsourcing can be achieved by hiring a local team and assigning them as your remote developers. Expand your search beyond local talent since outsourcing gives you the option of both nearshore as well as offshore collaboration. Take advantage of this while searching for the remote team that is the best fit for your firm. 

  • List Requirements For Special Skills: In the case where you have a special requirement with assistance on a specific set of skills, it is a good idea to first prepare a list of the type of skills and resources you might require for the completion of your project. Create a list and search for a professional firm with similar expertise and experience. 

  • Evaluate Expertise and Experience: Assess the provider's expertise in your industry and their track record in delivering similar projects. Inquire for expertise in the technologies you require for your project. It is crucial that the team you hire has a high level of expertise in the technologies you select and also have a good track record of developing successful projects using them. 

  • Verify Portfolio: A portfolio is one of the best sources to gain more in-depth information about the team you hire. This will tell you if you can trust them with your project. Make a decision based on the working style, quality of work, type of features added, and more. 

  • Check Reviews & Testimonials: Verify the provider's credibility by checking reviews, ratings, and feedback from previous clients. Consider their reputation, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Reviews are a good source of information; however, it is also a good practice to verify them by contacting the clients directly and requesting the firm for references. 

Acquaint Softtech Review.
  • Consider Cultural Fit: Consider the cultural fit between your organization and the outsourcing partner. Shared values and work ethics contribute to a smoother collaboration. It is important to ensure they speak the same language. English is usually the choice of language, especially while communicating for IT projects. It is also important they share similar values and work ethics and are a good cultural fit. 

  • Resources & Infrastructure: Ensure the remote team possesses the resources necessary to develop your project. Besides a skillful team and resources, the remote team must also have adequate infrastructure like hardware and software systems to ensure the development process goes along without a hitch. 

  • Review Service Quality and Capabilities: Considering the highly competitive nature of the world of website and mobile app development, you must outsource your project to well-trained professionals who deliver high-quality solutions and are capable of delivering top-notch solutions. 

  • Outsourcing Partner Objective Match: It is important that the business objectives of the remote development firm align correctly with yours and that your wavelengths match. These are crucial factors in deciding whether they are a good fit for your project. 

  • Good Communication is Essential: Effective communication is crucial for successful collaboration, especially in remote setups. This is essential and as important as the other technical skills. It is vital the team maintains regular and transparent communication for regular and accurate project updates. This is essential to detect potential issues during the development process. This will also ensure that you are aware of their progress at every step of the way and stay in sync. 

  • Ensure Data Security and Compliance: Ensure the provider follows robust data security measures. Inquire about their security protocols, compliance with regulations, and protection of sensitive information.

  • Choose a Flexible Partner: Determine if the provider can scale resources as your project grows. Ensure they offer flexibility in adjusting team sizes and services based on your evolving needs.

  • Do Not Select The Cheapest Options: Prepare your budget in advance to better understand how much you can afford to spend on the project. The cost of outsourcing the project is bound to play a key role while searching for the right IT partner for outsourcing. However, you will benefit from considering the overall picture and all factors rather than simply considering the development cost. It is a good idea to pick a cost-effective software development partner; however,  it is equally important to consider the quality of the code. 

  • Consider Location and Timezones: Depending on which outsourcing firm you opt for, it might be that you will be dealing with a firm in a different timezone than yours. It is vital that you can agree on a suitable time for your remote meetings. 

  • Assess Their Development Process: The choice of development process says a lot about the outsourcing partner. There are several models; however, the Agile model is one of the most popular and is being adopted by many businesses. It would be safe to opt for a development firm that also trusts the Agile model for the development process. 

  • Inquire For Support Post Development: If you think you will have nothing to do with the remote development firm after the completion of the project, then you are mistaken. It is vital that you update and upgrade your software regulations to maintain the edge. Hence, it is vital you inquire about the post-development support of the firm prior to hiring them.

Why Outsource Software Development to India?

One of the main reasons why IT outstaffing in India is gaining in popularity is the low cost. In fact, Asia happens to have the lowest software development rates compared to other places with the hourly rate of software developers in North America being the highest. 

The cost of outsourcing the project is bound to play a key role while searching for the right IT partner for outsourcing.  It is a good idea to pick a cost-effective software development partner; however,  it is equally important to consider the quality of the code. Businesses worldwide are not simply happy about the low cost of software development in India; they are also pleased with the high quality they receive. 

Here are some of the main reasons why India continues to increase in popularity as the preferred country to outsource software:

  • Software development firms in India offer highly cost-effective solutions.

  • India has a high number of well qualified IT professionals with expertise in various tools and languages. 

  • The professionals here stay abreast with the latest technologies and trends.

  • Communication is not an issue since English happens to be widely spoken and used in India.

  • They are known to deliver innovative, high-quality solutions and follow best practices. 

Here are a few statistics and facts to support this claim:

Why Outsource Software Development to India.
  • India has an enormous talent pool, with over 3.1 Million students being added to the workforce annually.

  • The world has a different timezone; however, India also has the timezone advantage since it is approximately 9 hours ahead of the USA, 3 hours ahead of Europe, and 5 hours behind Australia. 

  • There is ample support for this type of work from the local Government in India as well. 

  • India happens to have the largest workforce of IT professionals with expertise in several technologies.

  • India has become the hub for delivering high-quality software solutions with the infrastructure to support it. 

  • Revenue from IT Outsourcing in India is likely to climb to $ 8.8 billion USD in 2023. 

  • Market analysis suggests that the value of IT outsourcing will rise to 8830 Billion INR by 2025. 

Average hourly outsourcing programming rates around the world:

hourly outsourcing rates around the world.

Hourly outsourcing programming rates vary significantly based on factors like location, expertise, project complexity, and technology stacks. Here's an approximate range of average hourly rates in different regions:

  • United States and Canada:

$80 - $250 per hour for experienced developers.

Rates can be higher in tech hubs like Silicon Valley.

  • Western Europe:

$60 - $150 per hour for skilled developers.

Rates tend to be higher in countries like the UK, Germany, and Scandinavia.

  • Eastern Europe:

$25 - $80 per hour for developers with diverse skill sets.

Countries like Ukraine, Poland, and Romania offer competitive rates.

  • India:

$15 - $40 per hour for high-quality developers.

Rates vary based on expertise and experience.

  • Latin America:

$30 - $70 per hour for developers with good technical skills.

Countries like Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina offer competitive rates.

  • Asia-Pacific (APAC):

$20 - $50 per hour for skilled developers.

Rates vary across countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

  • Africa:

$20 - $50 per hour for developers with varying expertise.

Countries like South Africa and Kenya offer competitive rates.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Your IT Outsourcing Partner

  • Will Outsourcing be Cost-Efficient To Your Organization? It is important to consider several factors when trying to figure out if it is a cost-effective solution for your firm. This includes the cost to outsource compared to the cost to develop it in-house, the requirement for special skills and knowledge of advanced technologies, hidden costs, time to market, and quality. 

  • What kind of technology and resources are needed when outsourcing? Inquire about the tools and technology the partnering firm intends to use to complete the task. Also, inquire about their confidence in delivering the project as per your specifications in a timely manner.

  • How much risk is involved in outsourcing: Some of the common risks of outsourcing without sufficient research and verification include bad quality, communication issues, lack of security, and confidence.

  • Level of supervision necessary: It might be that you wish to focus on your business matters and simultaneously expect the remote firm to deliver state-of-the-art solutions. However, the remote firm might require a higher level of guidance or supervision to deliver the same. Hence, it is important to consider this factor during development.

  • Trustworthiness of the remote firm: It is vital you assess the level of security being offered. It is also important to assess steps taken by the firm to secure your data and keep it safe.

Ready to elevate your outsourcing game?

Explore the crucial factors you need to consider when choosing your IT outsourcing partner. Make informed decisions to propel your business forward! Dive into our comprehensive guide today.

Why Acquaint Softtech is your right Software Outsourcing Partner?

Acquaint Softtech is a well-established software development company with extensive experience in several industries. With over 5000 websites and mobile apps successfully launched, you can trust us to deliver your project in a timely manner with all the bells and whistles. 

We have a global client base and deliver custom software solutions at an affordable cost. In fact, we believe in making good quality software development support affordable to everyone. 

Here are a few reasons why you should outsource your project to us:

  • Customized Solutions: We possess extensive expertise in several technologies and industries with a proven track record in delivering successful projects.

  • Skilled Professionals: Our team comprises highly skilled and certified professionals who excel in their respective domains, ensuring top-notch quality in project delivery.

  • Advanced Technology and Tools: At Acquaint, you can hire a dedicated team of developers for the technology of your choice. The added advantage is that they have expertise in many advanced technologies as well. 

  • Proactive Support and Communication: We prioritize clear and efficient communication, ensuring transparency, regular updates, and seamless collaboration throughout the project life cycle. We prioritize understanding your specific needs and objectives, tailoring our solutions to align with your business goals.

  • Pocket-Friendly: We offer cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality, providing value for your investment and delivering within stipulated budgets.

  • Quality Assurance Standards: We follow robust quality assurance processes and industry-standard methodologies to guarantee high-quality deliverables. Our portfolio is a good source for details on our project, and the client testimonials also provide information on their success at delivering top-notch solutions in a timely manner. 

  • Guaranteed Data Security: Our stringent data security measures and compliance with industry standards ensure the confidentiality and protection of your sensitive information.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: Our flexible engagement models and scalability allow us to adapt to your changing project requirements efficiently.

Is It The Best Fit For Your Business?

The ideal method to be certain if IT Outsourcing is the right choice for your business is first to assess the nature of the business. It is a good practice to hire a firm that is well-trusted if you do choose to outsource. 

It is the best solution if your company matches any of the following:

  • IT is not your core business service.

  • You are looking at ways to cut costs and grow at the same time. 

  • You lack the technical expertise or specialized skills for the project. 

  • There is a need to scale your business operation, and you require flexibility in this matter.

  • It is the ideal solution for various industries, especially technology companies, finance & banking, medical, real estate, eCommerce, travel, and education. 

Software outsourcing is expected to remain a significant component of the tech industry and will likely evolve rather than become obsolete. It is safe to say that it is here to stay and will only grow in the future as per the global trends and many benefits like cost-effectiveness and access to expert talent.


Before deciding on outsourcing, conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis considering these factors. While outsourcing can offer cost advantages, weighing them against potential risks and the overall impact on your organization's operations and objectives is essential. By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can find an IT outsourcing partner that aligns with your project goals and fosters a successful and long-term collaboration.

Choosing Acquaint Softtech as your Software Outsourcing Partner ensures a dedicated team, innovative solutions, and a commitment to excellence, helping you achieve your business objectives efficiently and effectively.

Embark on a journey to discover the perfect IT outsourcing partner in India!

Uncover the key strategies and insights to find a reliable partner for your business needs. Start optimizing your operations today by exploring our comprehensive guide.


What factors should I consider when selecting an IT outsourcing partner?
  • Expertise: Assess their skills in your industry and required technologies.

  • Reputation: Look for reviews, case studies, and client testimonials.

  • Communication: Ensure effective and transparent communication channels.

  • Security: Evaluate their data security measures and compliance standards.

  • Costs: Compare pricing models and ensure transparency in costs.

  • Scalability: Check their ability to scale resources as your project grows.

What should I ask potential outsourcing partners during the selection process?
  • Previous Projects: Inquire about their past projects, particularly similar to yours.

  • Team Structure: Know the team composition, expertise, and experience.

  • Processes and Methodologies: Understand their development methodologies and project management practices.

  • Communication Protocols: Discuss how they plan to communicate project updates and handle feedback.

  • Data Security Measures: Enquire about their data protection measures and compliance standards.

How important is cultural alignment when selecting an outsourcing partner?

Cultural alignment is crucial for effective communication, collaboration, and understanding of your business goals.

What are the risks involved in choosing the wrong IT outsourcing partner?

Risks include poor-quality deliverables, communication issues, security breaches, missed deadlines, and additional costs.

How can I ensure a successful partnership with an IT outsourcing firm?

Maintain clear communication, set mutual expectations, establish milestones, and regularly assess progress.

What steps should I take after selecting an outsourcing partner?

Draft a detailed contract outlining project specifics, milestones, and deliverables. Establish a communication plan and project management tools for smooth collaboration.


Mukesh Ram

Founder and CEO, Acquaint Softtech

I love to make a difference. Thus, I started Acquaint Softtech with the vision of making developers easily accessible and affordable to all. Me and my beloved team have been fulfilling this vision for over 15 years now and will continue to get even bigger and better.

Table of Content
  • Overview

  • What Is IT Outstaffing or Outsourcing?

  • When to Outsource Your IT Services?

  • How to Find the Right IT Outsourcing Partner?

  • Why Outsource Software Development to India?

  • Factors to Consider When Choosing Your IT Outsourcing Partner

  • Why Acquaint Softtech is your right Software Outsourcing Partner?

  • Is It The Best Fit For Your Business?

  • Conclusion

  • FAQ

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