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Types of eLearning Platforms and Reasons For Building It

July 11th, 2023
Types of eLearning Platforms.


eLearning platform development refers to building a digital platform or software that facilitates the delivery of educational content and courses over the Internet. It brings together highly skilled teachers and students and offers a wide range of tools and resources. It is beneficial for both since teachers gain access to the perfect platform to teach the course using advanced tools. At the same time, students gain access to a platform that offers more flexibility to learn a course of their choice. 

This is the digital era with almost all industries looking for online solutions. The global pandemic of COVID-19 played a major role in highlighting the benefits of an online solution for various industries including the educational industry. This article provides more information on the eLearning platforms and the benefits of developing one.

Impact of Digital Transformation

Impact of Digital Transformation.

Digital transformation has had a profound impact on various aspects of society, including businesses, industries, education, healthcare, and individuals. It brings along with it a wide range of benefits like better efficiency & productivity, better customer experience, innovation, and more accurate decision-making. This is one of the reasons several industries are opting for it. This includes the educational industry. Some of the main changes include:

  • Managing admissions

  • Evaluating performance

  • Online classes

  • Smart classrooms

  • Multimedia content

  • Communication tools

  • Assessment and feedback

  • Analytic and reporting

  • Mobile accessibility

Here are a few statistics to support this claim:

  • Over 1.5 Billion students have switched to online education since COVID-19.

  • Global expenditure on educational technology in 2000 was 2.8 Trillion while that in 2020 was 5.4T and it is expected to rise to 7.3T by 2025. (Source: HolonIQ)

  • The global use of AI is expected to rise to $5.8 Billion by 2025.

  • The use of AR/VR is expected to rise to $19.6 Billion globally by the end of 2023.

  • Globally the metaverse education market is also expected to grow to $32.39 Billion by 2028.

Why develop an eLearning Platform?

At Acquaint Softtech we are well suited to develop a state-of-the-art eLearning Platform to allow you to be competitive in this digital era.

Types of eLearning Platforms

Types of eLearning Platforms.

There are several types of eLearning platforms available, each with its own features and target audience. It is also rapidly gaining popularity making it a wise business decision to develop an online eLearning platform of your own. There are already several websites and apps for all students to study at their own pace and enrol in the course of their choice. This includes courses for university students, professional courses as well as courses for working executives to improve their skills. 

Businesses have the option to develop a custom eLearning solution, listed here are some common types of eLearning platforms:

Video Conferencing

This is a very popular option for live online training and distance education. The education method can be in the form of a seminar or classroom. This type of platform would typically allow participants to connect from their computer or mobile using a custom website or mobile app that would include features like video conferencing and more. 

Video Recordings

Another very popular method of online education is making use of video recordings instead of a conventional face-to-face session. This way a student can access the video recordings of the lectures at their own pace and view them as many times as they please. There are already several studies that suggest using images, music, text, video and other forms of media is a highly effective and faster method of education. Video lectures tend to capture the learner's attention, improving the effectiveness of the training. 

Self-paced learning platforms

This type of learning method is highly popular with working professionals and means individual students rather than a group of students. It addresses one of the main issues that working professionals face which is to keep up with the pace of conventional education; hence this allows them to learn at their own pace via the distance education method, thus being able to upgrade their professional skills. Microlearning is considered a self-paced learning technique that is often implemented for staff training. This is ideally meant for short courses. Businesses also benefit from these types of courses since it assures the employees learning at their chosen pace will successfully embed the knowledge in their long-term memories.

Corporate Training Platforms

These platforms focus on providing training and development solutions for businesses and organizations. They often offer features like employee onboarding, compliance training, skills development, and performance tracking. Examples include SAP Litmos, Cornerstone OnDemand, and TalentLMS.

Mobile Learning Platforms

These platforms are designed for learning on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. They provide responsive interfaces and mobile-friendly content delivery, allowing learners to access educational materials on the go. Duolingo and Khan Academy have mobile apps suitable for learning.

Massive open online course(MOOC)

This type of course is often structured similarly to that in a college or university and offers certification as well. It does not offer academic credit but is useful for upskilling and for people who prefer taking up distance education with a greater level of flexibility.  They often include video lectures, interactive quizzes, discussion forums, and certificates of completion. Popular MOOC platforms include Coursera, edX, and Udacity.

Interactive simulations

This too includes setting up an eLearning platform; however, the training is more interactive and implements advanced technologists to create a realistic virtual simulation environment to allow students to learn in a more interactive method. It allows learners to learn, practice, update their skills, prepare for real-world scenarios, and obtain certification. 

Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)

VLEs provide a comprehensive online learning experience by integrating various tools and resources. They typically include course content, communication tools, assessment capabilities, and collaboration features. Moodle and Canvas can also be considered VLEs.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

LMS platforms are designed to deliver, manage, and track online courses and training programs. They provide features such as course creation, enrollment, progress tracking, assessments, and grading. Examples include Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, and Schoology.

Online Tutoring Platforms

These platforms connect students with tutors or instructors for one-on-one or small group sessions. They often offer features such as video conferencing, chat functionality, shared whiteboards, and file sharing. Examples include Wyzant, Preply, and

Online Course Marketplaces

These platforms serve as marketplaces where instructors can create and sell their courses. They provide a platform for course creation, hosting, and payment processing. Examples include Udemy, Teachable, and Skillshare.

Language Learning Platforms

These platforms specifically cater to language learning, providing interactive lessons, vocabulary practice, pronunciation guides, and language proficiency assessments. Popular language learning platforms include Rosetta Stone, Babbel, and Duolingo.

These are just a few examples of the types of eLearning platforms available. The choice of platform depends on the specific learning needs, target audience, and goals of the user or organization. Consult the professionals at Acquaint Softtech to obtain more information on custom eLearning solutions.

How to Develop eLearning Platforms

How to Develop eLearning Platforms.
  • The first factor to consider is how much you are willing to spend; this also includes budgeting for the development costs of the platform. 

  • Conduct comprehensive research for your target audience where some of the main factors to consider would be age, interests, location, language, job, and industry.

  • Spend some time researching your competition; this would typically include checking the courses being offered as well as the number of active students and their demographics.

  • There are many types of eLearning platforms hence one must perform appropriate research for the platform that best suits their business. This will also include searching for the right technology and tools to develop the platform.

  • It would help if one also talks to or takes surveys of educators and students to gain a better perspective of what they expect and develop a better online learning platform.

  • Prepare a list of the features you require in the online platform. Some of the essential features would include registration, login, dashboard, course catalog, payment system, content delivery system, communication tools, admin panel, and notifications. 

  • Select a platform like a website or mobile app and create a detailed plan. 

  • Search for a professional website & mobile app development company; one with a talented team of developers and the appropriate resources to develop your project. 

  • The cost to develop an eLearning platform will vary depending on the location of the development company.

  • Select an experienced firm with knowledge of eLearning platforms and knowledge of advanced technologies. 

  • It is important you discuss your design and development expectations before the start of the project.

  • Discuss the features of the CMS of the platform. 

  • It is also important to discuss features of the enrollment, communication, certification, feedback system, syllabus, etc. 

Acquaint Softtech has a highly skilled team of developers and offers website and mobile app development service for a wide range of industries. We have extensive knowledge of the education industry and can assist in the development of a custom eLearning platform for your business. Consult our experts for the appropriate monetization strategy; some of the common models include subscription, pay-per-course, freemium, commission, and online advertisements.

Develop an eLearning platform!

Pick the best developers for your project at Acquaint Softtech. We have a highly skilled team of developers with expertise in several technologies for both mobile app and website development.

Why Develop an eLearning Platform?

Why Develop an eLearning Platform?.

There are many reasons why you should develop an eLearning platform. It is beneficial all of which includes existing educational institutes as well as businesses willing to invest in this field. Listed here are some of the reasons why: 

  • Benefits teachers & students: An eLearning platform is beneficial for both students as well as teachers and improves the level of flexibility for both. It allows a higher degree of freedom for teachers when preparing course material and for students to learn at their own pace.

  • A high percentage of students online: The number of students using the Internet is on the rise. They use it for several reasons like education, entertainment, games, fun, and more. Developing a dedicated platform for students for education can be profitable. 

  • Productivity: Businesses can improve the level of productivity by developing their custom eLearning platforms to educate employees. 

  • Accessibility: eLearning platforms provide flexible access to educational resources, allowing learners to study at their own pace and from any location with an internet connection. This accessibility promotes lifelong learning, eliminates geographical barriers, and accommodates different learning styles and schedules.

  • Global reach: It allows you to reach a global audience and create an education platform for learners all over the world. This is ideal for businesses that offer a large number of courses and expand their user base. This opens up opportunities to reach learners from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds, fostering diversity and cross-cultural exchange.

  • Continuous learning and upgrading: eLearning platforms enable continuous learning and upskilling, as they can easily update and add new content to reflect the latest information and trends. This is particularly important in fields that experience rapid changes, such as technology, healthcare, and business.

  • Collaboration and community building: Many eLearning platforms offer features for collaboration, such as discussion forums, group projects, and social learning spaces. These features facilitate interaction and knowledge sharing among learners, fostering a sense of community and peer support. Thus, it offers like-minded people a virtual space to interact and learn. 

  • Cost-effectiveness: Compared to traditional in-person training or classroom-based education, eLearning platforms can be more cost-effective. They eliminate expenses associated with physical facilities, travel, printed materials, and instructor fees. Once the platform is developed, it can accommodate a large number of learners without significant additional costs. It helps all save on cost, the teachers, students and the education institute.

  • Scalability: eLearning platforms can easily scale to accommodate a growing number of users. As more learners join the platform, the existing infrastructure can handle the increased demand without requiring significant modifications or resources.

  • Personalization: eLearning platforms can offer personalized learning experiences tailored to individual needs. They can provide adaptive content and assessments, track learner progress, and suggest relevant resources based on learner performance and preferences. This personalized approach enhances engagement and knowledge retention.

  • Interactive and engaging learning: eLearning platforms can incorporate various multimedia elements, such as videos, interactive quizzes, gamified elements, and simulations. These interactive features make the learning experience more engaging, immersive, and effective in promoting knowledge acquisition and skill development.

  • Performance tracking and analytics: eLearning platforms can track learner progress, completion rates, assessment scores, and other relevant metrics. This data can provide valuable insights into learner performance and engagement, allowing instructors and administrators to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

  • Monetization: There are many ways businesses can make money since there are several options when it comes to selecting a business model. 

  • Centralized learning management: For organizations, developing an eLearning platform allows for centralized learning management and administration. It simplifies the process of course creation, enrollment management, tracking learner progress, and generating reports. It also allows one to have more control over the course material and improves the ability to provide more tailored content to the target audience. 

It is highly beneficial to develop an eLearning solution for all individuals, educational institutions, and businesses seeking to provide effective and accessible learning experiences.

Case Study – VRTL

elearning platform development case study.

At Acquaint Softtech, we developed an eLearning website for our client VRTL, to allow students to find the course of their choice and use the online payment gateway to make their purchase. 

As per the client requirements, we built a virtual reality learning platform that included several other features including a newsletter, secure payment gateway, blog, event, robust search, social media and much more. The primary technologies used to develop this solution were WordPress, JavaScript and Photoshop. 

VRTL benefited from our work and successfully established a robust platform, enabling them to connect with a broader audience of VR enthusiasts who shared their passion and eagerness to learn more.

We have dedicated teams of developers for various technologies like WordPress, PHP, Laravel, Python, Flutter, React Native, and many more. Our developers are highly skilled and experienced who specialise Laravel development services and keep abreast with the latest technologies. Besides this, we are also an official Laravel Partner with the ability to deliver high-quality custom eLearning solutions. Our dedicated QA team also ensures that there are no flaws or bugs in the applications we deliver.

Benefits To Hire Remote Developers

Benefits To Hire Remote Developers.

Hire remote developer to develop an e-learning platform. There are many benefits in doing so. It ensures you have access to highly skilled developers with all the necessary resources to develop a solution of a high standard. This is a highly competitive world where it is crucial to develop a next-generation solution. Hiring experts that like Acquaint Softtech will ensure you save time and money while developing one. We can develop a technologically advanced and highly scalable solution for your business. 
Here are some key advantages of hiring professionals to develop an eLearning solution: 

  • Expertise and experience.

  • A custom solution to suit your needs. 

  • Technology stack selection.

  • Faster time-to-market.

  • Quality assurance.

  • Ongoing support and maintenance.

  • Scalable and flexible.

  • Develop an effective eLearning portal.

  • Expand the reach of your business with a state-of-the-art online solution.

  • Leverage the massive online student base with a next-generation ed-tech website or mobile application. 

Overall, hiring a website and mobile app development company like Acquaint Softtech for an e-learning platform ensures that you have a dedicated team of professionals working on your project, resulting in a high-quality, customized solution that meets your specific requirements.


In conclusion, building an e-learning platform offers numerous advantages and opportunities for education in the digital age. It provides accessibility to a wider audience, promotes cost-effectiveness, and allows for personalized and flexible learning experiences. The scalability of e-learning platforms accommodates a growing user base, while data-driven insights enhance instructional effectiveness. 

Collaborative learning and continuous professional development are facilitated, fostering a global reach and multilingual support. By embracing the benefits of e-learning platforms, organizations and educators can revolutionize education, empower learners, and adapt to the changing landscape of the modern world.


What are the different types of e-learning platforms?
  • Learning Management Systems

  • Virtual Learning Environments

  • Massive Open Online Courses

  • Online Tutoring Platforms

  • Mobile Learning Platforms

Why should I build an e-learning platform?
  • Accessibility

  • Cost-effectiveness

  • Personalization

  • Scalability

  • Data-driven Insights

  • Collaboration and engagement

  • Continuous learning

  • Global reach

  • Adaptability and future-proofing

Can I combine different types of e-learning platforms?

Yes, it is possible to combine different types of e-learning platforms or leverage features from multiple platforms to create a customized solution that meets your specific requirements.

How do e-learning platforms benefit educators?
  • E-learning platforms provide educators with tools to create, manage, and deliver course content efficiently.

  • They offer opportunities for personalized instruction and feedback to individual learners.

  • Educators can track learner progress, assess performance, and provide targeted support.

  • E-learning platforms facilitate collaboration and communication among educators and learners, fostering an interactive and engaging learning environment.

How do e-learning platforms benefit learners?
  • Learners can access educational content anytime, anywhere, allowing for flexibility in scheduling and location.

  • Personalized learning experiences cater to individual needs and learning styles, enhancing engagement and understanding.

  • E-learning platforms often offer interactive multimedia resources, making learning more engaging and memorable.

  • Learners can collaborate with peers, participate in discussions, and gain diverse perspectives.

  • Access to a global pool of educational resources and expertise expands learning opportunities and promotes cultural awareness.

  • Building an e-learning platform empowers organizations, educators, and learners to embrace the advantages of digital education, fostering accessible, engaging, and lifelong learning experiences.

What is the purpose of an eLearning platform?

The main reason to develop an eLearning solution is to provide the increasing number of Internet users (students) with an online platform to study. This can be for a classroom-like experience online, self-paced learning, or professional courses. and many more. The added advantage is that it is beneficial to all students, teachers, institutes and a business.

How can an e-learning platform ensure learner engagement and motivation?
  • E-learning platforms can incorporate gamification elements such as badges, leaderboards, and rewards to enhance learner motivation and engagement.

  • Interactive features, multimedia content, and real-world applications can make the learning experience more immersive and captivating.

  • Social learning features like discussion forums and peer collaboration foster interaction and provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and support.

Is it possible to integrate an e-learning platform with other systems or tools?

Yes, e-learning platforms can be integrated with other systems such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), content management systems, video conferencing tools, and student information systems. The integration enables seamless data exchange, single sign-on, and synchronization of learner information, improving administrative efficiency and user experience.

How can an e-learning platform benefit educational institutions?
  • Educational institutions can expand their reach and provide education to a wider audience through online courses and programs. 

  • E-learning platforms enable institutions to offer flexible learning options, accommodating different schedules and learning styles.

  • Institutions can leverage interactive multimedia resources, simulations, and virtual labs to enhance the learning experience.

  • E-learning platforms facilitate collaboration among students and instructors, fostering an interactive and engaging learning environment.

  • Institutions can gather data on student performance, engagement, and learning outcomes to inform instructional strategies and interventions.

What are the advantages of e-learning platforms for learners?
  • E-learning platforms provide learners with accessibility and convenience, allowing them to learn at their own pace and from any location.

  • Learners can access a variety of multimedia resources, interactive activities, and self-assessment tools to enhance their understanding and engagement.

  • Personalized learning experiences cater to individual needs and learning preferences, improving learning outcomes.

  • E-learning platforms often offer opportunities for collaboration, discussion, and knowledge sharing among learners, fostering a sense of community.

  • Learners can revisit materials, track their progress, and receive immediate feedback, promoting self-directed learning and continuous improvement.


Mukesh Ram

Founder and CEO, Acquaint Softtech

I love to make a difference. Thus, I started Acquaint Softtech with the vision of making developers easily accessible and affordable to all. Me and my beloved team have been fulfilling this vision for over 15 years now and will continue to get even bigger and better.


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