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What are some popular machine learning libraries used with Laravel?


You can get a more personalized user experience, smarter analytics & an automated process when you are integrating ML into any Laravel application. Despite being a PHP framework, Laravel cannot perform heavy scientific computing tasks directly. However, some machine learning libraries can easily integrate with a programming language like Python. 

Below, we have mentioned some very popular ML libraries that can be used within Laravel projects to perform tasks efficiently.

Let’s understand them all one by one.

5 Machine Learning Libraries you should surely integrate with Laravel

5 Machine Learning Libraries integrate with Laravel.


PHP-ML is a standalone library that is written for PHP. It is designed to bring machine learning to a PHP environment. It provides a range of algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning, cross-validation, neural networks, and more, making it quite suitable for integrating ML into PHP applications, including those built with Laravel.

Even though PHP is not traditionally related to machine learning still PHP-ML makes it easier to implement Laravel straightaway with ML. Doing this allows them to ease the use & integration without the need for any additional language or service.

Laravel AI

Although it is not as comprehensive as some Python-based libraries, yet Laravel AI is one of the emerging packages designed to provide AI & ML capabilities within the Laravel applications. Moreover, it also facilitates the implementation of some AI features like sentiment analysis, image recognition & natural language processing, thus enabling Laravel applications to become more intelligent & responsive.

Python Integration

For achieving a smoother machine learning capability, Laravel developers would often turn to Python which is well known for its machine learning libraries. Laravel developers can trigger Python scripts by using Laravel, which will further use powerful libraries like sci-kit-learn, TensorFlow, or PyTorch.

These libraries offer extensive functionalities for data processing, model building, training, and evaluation, providing a vast array of possibilities for machine learning applications.

  1. sci-kit-learn: It is ideal for traditional machine learning algorithms that include clustering, regressions, decision trees & more. A sci-kit-learn is at times used for data mining & data analysis in coordination with the Laravel application.

  2. TensorFlow & PyTorch: These libraries are preferable in deep learning tasks and can be used with Laravel for applications that require a neural network, computer vision & much more. Despite, the integration being complex it still allows Laravel applications to use state-of-the-art AI capabilities.

APIs & Cloud Services

The fourth machine learning library in the list is known as an API and Cloud services. Large cloud service providers like AWS, Google Cloud & Azure are offering ML services that can be easily integrated with a Laravel application.

Moreover, it also provides access to some powerful ML models & capabilities without the need to develop the models directly within the Laravel applications.

  • AWS presents tools such as SageMaker, which aids in the creation, training, and deployment of machine learning models on a large scale, and Rekognition for the analysis of images and videos.

  • Google Cloud AI delivers a collection of machine learning solutions, encompassing AI Platform for the training and prediction of models, AutoML to facilitate the creation of high-quality, customized machine learning models with ease, and various specialized APIs for tasks related to vision, video, language understanding, and translation.

  • Microsoft Azure features Azure Machine Learning, enhancing the efficiency of model development and providing cloud access to machine learning services, alongside Cognitive Services, which offer ready-to-use AI capabilities.

Now, let’s understand the last library of Machine Learning which can be used with a Laravel development.

Integration & Data Flow

Implementing Machine learning with Laravel is not only about choosing the right library or service, but it is more about integrating them with the application’s architecture. This would include:

  • Data Collection & Preparation: It is important to gather & prepare the necessary data from a Laravel database or an external source for processing machine learning.

  • Model Training & Evaluation: Here, the developer needs to choose the libraries or services to train ML models & evaluate the performance that might occur outside of a Laravel development.

  • Integration: In this step, the developer needs to ensure that the ML service can communicate effectively with the Laravel application this can be possibly done via APIs & direct integration for real-time analysis & and decision-making.

  • User interaction: Displaying machine learning outcomes in an easy-to-understand format, incorporating them into Laravel's navigation and interface design, and possibly using websockets or broadcasting for instant updates.

Now, let’s quickly recap what we learned from this article.

Wrapping Up!

To sum up, even though Laravel isn't built for machine learning, its strength and adaptability as a PHP framework make it a solid choice for embedding different machine learning tools and features. By utilizing these resources, Laravel developers can add sophisticated AI functionalities to their websites, boosting user interaction, offering more profound analyses, and simplifying intricate jobs. Whether using direct PHP libraries, connecting with Python, or employing cloud-based machine learning solutions, the opportunities for embedding machine learning in Laravel projects are broad and expanding.