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7 Things To Consider Before Developing A Shopping App

September 19th, 2019

Developing a shopping app demands an immense understanding of the market because there are thousands of apps competing with each other. The most popular industries are fashion, lifestyle, grocery, etc. Investing in e-commerce can be profitable, but it needs to be well executed. Otherwise, it’s gonna be worthless.

There are several ways to invest in e-commerce but creating a mobile application is the most profitable one. With the traffic now shifting from website to mobile, dependency on the smartphone calls for many ideas for mobile app development. Mobile shopping apps bring good ROI only if the app development process and marketing are done correctly.

Being a leading mobile app development company, we are well acquainted with shopping apps and the latest technology. That’s why we came up with this post containing 7 things to consider before developing a shopping app. Apart from the must-have features, we will discuss the top 5 mobile shopping apps and the right ways to design the app UI.

We all are concordant on a point that people are inclined towards online shopping. It is easy, quick, and rewarding for them. Most of the users love to shop for anything with their smartphones. Meanwhile, the importance of mobile shopping apps is increasing every year, which encourages many newbie app owners to collaborate their ideas with the e-commerce market.

Instead of building castles in the air, it will be good to talk about bitter truth first. There are thousands of mobile apps in the shopping category with a good design, so it is always tough to compete for a newbie. One should think about a USP that can make the app stand out. Here we go

Things To Consider Before Creating Online Mobile Shopping Apps

1. Ideation & Market Research

This is the most common mistake by the stakeholders and newbie entrepreneurs. They refuse to brainstorm on the dream idea that leads them to develop just another shopping app without having any USP. Market research is crucial for any strategy. It helps in identifying the real competition and the project requirement.

Also, market research helps you to find your target audience. One must know about the target audience because those are gonna give you money. Having an ample amount of data about your audience helps your marketing plan and content promotion.

How To Determine The Right Audience?

  • Identify which types of users fit in your business model.

  • Find out the country and region for targeting.

  • Make sure your app hits the right age group.

  • The target audience relies on the business type and services.

  • Research about competitor strategy and their audience.

While talking about the audience, there are mainly two types of users - informational and commercial. Commercial users intend to buy products, and informational audiences are coming just for resource gathering. In short, you should know well about your audience and what features they want.

Ideation is the most important thing that every app owner should acquaint with. Optimize your app idea and services according to the target audience. Make sure your dream idea has the capability of resolving issues or giving something new in the market.

The App Store is filled with so many applications, so try to give something new to users. You can provide a USP, new services, or better UI.

2. Mobile Commerce For Futuristic Approach

Internet traffic is shifting from websites to mobile apps. Thus, dependence on mobile devices inclines the audience to shop from mobile phones. The word “Mobile Commerce” means shopping via mobile devices. It is also known as m-commerce, which reflects the same meaning as e-commerce for mobile.

Our intent for talking about m-commerce is to be aware of the latest technologies and market changes. Many apps or websites redesign to perform responsively. Make sure your future app should compatible with the upcoming smartphones and their UI design.

Your Mobile Shopping App Should Compatible With

  • Latest Foldable Phone.

  • Notch Display Design (Water-Drop, Wide Notch).

  • Dark Mode UI (Android 10 & iOS 13).

  • Button Less UI.

While developing a shopping app, keep the focus on the latest technologies and UI design. A little effort in the app UI/UX design format can elevate the trust factor in the audience. Make sure the app works smoothly with the different mobile screen sizes and various latest UI design technology.

Social Commerce is quite a different term from mobile commerce. Social commerce allows users a marketplace experience at a social media platform.

3. Latest Mobile App UI Design Trends

As mentioned above, your app should be compatible with the latest technology that shows a futuristic approach. Putting the latest app design trends in application always help you. It makes your app different from others. Also, new technology always makes your app unique. So, always leverage the latest mobile app UI design trends.

Latest Mobile App UI Design Trends of 2019

  • AR technology.

  • Chatbots.

  • Button Less UI.

  • Video + Motion UI

  • Animation Graphics

Read AlsoHottest! Mobile App UI Design Trends of 2019

AR & VR are the two most trending technologies in 2019 and will continue to trend beyond. Augmented Reality is widely used in shopping app for enriching the user experience. E-commerce is changing the way it presents products to the audience, and AR technology is the central pillar of it.


Most popular online shopping Brand/App using AR technology for better user experience. Few are

  • Amazon App.

  • Target App.

  • Ikea Place.

  • Warby Parker

  • ZeeKit

AR technology can be your USP while making a shopping app. Amazon curates a better UX design using AR. ZeeKit, an online fashion brand, also leverages AR. The Gaming apps and online shopping app are the two app categories that widely use Augmented Reality to attract customers.

A chatbot is the most useful tool for improving customer engagement in your app. Chatbots and virtual assistants are the most popular trends of 2019. Apple has Siri, Android has Google Assistant, and Microsoft has Cortana for better user engagement.

Why Chatbots are important in Shopping Apps?

  • Chatbots improve user engagement

  • Provides quick & relevant response

  • A better way to navigate app structure

  • Engage new customers with instant reply

One of our blogs contains detailed information about popular Chatbots and how to design chatbots. In short, chatbots are better alternatives to live chat. Because chatbots can communicate with multiple users at the same time. Brands like Pizza Hut, Spotify, Starbucks, MasterCard, and many more use chatbots.

Buttonless UI is the next big thing in mobile app UI design. Android 10 and iOS 13 will witness the new UI design without having to use the back button. The Android Pie is also showing an initiative towards the minimal use of the back button. Usually, the iPhone UI comes with a home key that makes it alluring.

So, if you are planning to craft a mobile app, then your mobile app must perform well under the button-less UI design and other factors like animation graphics and motion UI. Adding videos, motion, and animation graphics can improve the overall mobile app UI design.

4. Dark Mode + Color Coding

The dark mode is one of the most fascinating terms in 2019. Every tech blog, newsletter, or latest mobile operating system news is blended with the Dark Mode UI. The iOS 13 or Android 10 both OS making the buzz with the dark mode features. In WWDC 2019, Apple announces the alluring dark mode for the next iOS 13. Google I/O 2019 also claims to have the best dark mode features with Force Dark Mode and System Dark Mode.

Any mobile shopping apps should design according to the business and audience. Therefore, the color palette is a deciding factor. Choosing relevant colors is important. All you have to do is look at your business category, find out competitors’ app design, and then decide yours.

How To Pick The Right Color For Shopping App?

  • Review own business type & competitor app design.

  • Every business has its own color so choose yours.

  • Like Food App can choose orange, red, and yellow.

  • White space can improve UI and engage users.

  • Try to design engaging checkout and landing pages.

You can check out the best shopping app example from Dribbble for the latest mobile app UI design idea to figure out the right choice. The app UI design is the first thing in the shopping app that users notice and engage with. If you have a renowned app development partner such as Acquaint Softtech, crafting an attractive mobile app UI design is just a cakewalk for you.

5. Mobile App Development Company

Creating mobile apps for online shopping is a challenging task because of the competition. The app should be unique in terms of design, features, and attractive offers. To create a masterpiece, you must have a master of doing this. Having a renowned mobile app development company by your side can turn your app into a profitable one.

How to Hire a Mobile App Development Company?

  • Research about technology, process, and cost

  • Identify the business need and project requirement

  • Jot down the list of companies that suits your project

  • Discuss the features, development process, and time

  • Hire a renowned mobile app development company like Acquaint

Acquaint Softtech is a leading mobile app development company having vast experience in mobile shopping apps development. Our dedicated developers are experts in decoding complex ideas into profitable shopping apps. The advantage of working with a renowned app creation partner is the easy way of resource gatherings like app UI design, development, identity design, and bug fixing.

6. Easy & Robust Checkout Design

An easy & concise checkout process is the key to a good customer experience. According to the user’s perspective, they don’t like the complex checkout process, and it leads to a high bounce rate. So try to cut the unwanted steps in checkout. The simple and secure checkout design always creates positive intend in the customer’s mind.

On the contrary, the secure payment method can also elevate the trust factor in the audience. All you have to do is add a secure payment method that allows all payment methods.

Every new shopping app struggles to build trust in the audience. Generally, users trust only stable online shopping apps because of the checkout process. So you need to design an easy checkout with some credentials for the trust factor. Customers’ reviews and positive feedback can be helpful.

You can use some killer copywriting tactics to hit the emotional side of customers. Here are a few examples.

  • Look like you grabbed some of our most popular products. Buy them now before they sell out!

  • Your checkout info is safe with us. Check out with the most secure payment method.

  • This offer is not permanent. Buy it now or regret it later.

  • Instead of writing “Free Shipping” at checkout, write “We’ll pay for your shipping.”

  • “Easy Returns” is so dull. Try to write something unique “Return it if you are not satisfied.”

7. Killer App Promotion Tactics

The time when your app is ready to launch is the right time to promote it. Making an online shopping app means you’re halfway done. But the main thing is to prepare for app promotion on various platforms. The app promotion method decides how many users are gonna engage with your app.

“If you’re not using mobile marketing to attract new customers to your business, don’t worry. Your competitors are already using it and are getting those customers instead.”

– Jamie Turner

If your app doesn’t reach the right audience, it will fail - no matter how elegant a design it has. So the app promotion is always crucial to attract an audience and lead generation.

What Are The Popular App Promotion Methods?

  • App Store Optimization (ASO)

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Content Marketing & Copywriting

  • Referral Method, Exciting Offers

  • Video, Text, Carousel Advertisement

Read AlsoApp Store Optimization: Secrets of Popular Apps and Keywords

ASO is the first thing one should consider while launching an application on the app store. The secret of App Store Optimization is to use keywords in the title, description, and appealing screenshots. The essential thing for social media marketing is to build a brand and targeted audience on popular social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Popular Ecommerce Platforms & Framework For Shopping App

Developing online shopping apps can be fun with the right app development tools and e-commerce platforms. There are several frameworks and platform that claims to be the most popular for online shopping apps. Here are some of the best e-commerce frameworks for e-store development.

  • Magento E-commerce Framework.

  • Zend Framework.

  • Shopify Framework.

  • WooCommerce.

  • Symfony Framework.

Read AlsoBest of 2019 Free Mobile App Development Tools

All the above frameworks are open-source and widely used for shopping apps development. For creating a futuristic online shopping app, we have to find the top ten mobile shopping apps in 2019. Here is a list we have created for you: -

Best Online Shopping Apps in the USA

  • Amazon Shopping.

  • eBay.

  • OfferUp.

  • Google Express.

  • Target.

  • Etsy.

  • Walmart.

  • Zappos.

  • Best Buy.

  • Zara.

The above list was curated keeping in mind attractiveness and easy UI, best features, and presentation. Amazon shopping app is an ideal app for every mobile shopping app. It is perfectly crafted with an alluring UI and salient features to satisfy the users. Every newbie app owner should create their app according to Amazon.

How To Create An App Like Amazon

  • Market Research & Ideation

  • Resource Gathering for Tools

  • Choose Right Platform & Features

  • Add Robust Search & Filter Features

  • Quick Sign-in & Easy Checkout Process

  • Add Credentials Like Feedback, Reviews

  • Provide Multiple Payment Options

  • Better Mobile App UI UX Design

  • Regularly Update For Latest Features

Also Read10 Must-Follow Steps of Mobile App Development Process

Creating a shopping cart app for iPhone is also a challenging task. The iPhone audience is quite different from the rest. They are supposed to be futuristic and techno-friendly. Every Apple product comes with an attractive design, so the app should be compatible with an alluring UI design.

FAQs About The Create Online Mobile Shopping Apps

How much does it cost to develop a shopping app?

The cost of any application development relies on many factors like features, authentication steps, payment method, data security, platforms, and so on. The price also varies according to the development region, like US region developers charge 150$ – 160$/hour. On the contrary, Indian app developers only charge 30$ – 50$/hour. Meanwhile, the backend and QA testing also affect the overall cost of an online shopping app.

How do I develop an online shopping app?

For developing an online shopping app, there are two options available. One can develop an app for free with the best eCommerce app builder or hire a renowned mobile app development company as Acquaint Softtech. Free e-commerce app builders help build elementary apps, but they are not ideal for complex use. The way to design the best mobile shopping app is to deal with an app development partner.

How do free apps make money?

There are some methods to generate revenue from free apps. You can allow sponsored products, text and video advertisement, Add a social commerce platform, and enable carousel ads. Also, the app owner can create a marketplace to allow multiple sellers and monetize shopping apps.

Which is the best online shopping app for mobile?

It’s hard to choose the one app as the best online shopping app. Amazon shopping app is one of the best apps that contains every needed feature. But at the same time, the Amazon app doesn’t have an attractive UI compared to others. So it’s all up to users.

In A Nutshell

While wrapping up this article, the process of mobile shopping apps is very much clear. We discussed every corner of this topic, such as cost factors, top shopping apps, and frameworks. One should consider the above steps to developing mobile shopping apps. Hope this piece of content can help you.

If you are looking to develop an online shopping app, then we are the best choice. Acquaint Softtech is a leading mobile app development company having a vast portfolio. Our dedicated app developers are eager as well as stubborn to create something beyond expectations.

Feel free to discuss your dream idea with our experts. Drop your inquiry at or call at +1 773 377 6499. Also, if you found anything amusing in this piece of content, do SHARE with your besties.


Mukesh Ram

Founder and CEO, Acquaint Softtech

I love to make a difference. Thus, I started Acquaint Softtech with the vision of making developers easily accessible and affordable to all. Me and my beloved team have been fulfilling this vision for over 15 years now and will continue to get even bigger and better.

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