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AI ChatBot - What Is It & How Does It Work?

May 9th, 2019

Say you ordered something online and wanted to return it. What will you do? You will talk to customer care or place an inquiry in the live chat room. The person on the other end will solve your issues, but are they all humans? Not all customer service and live chat assistance are humans. Most of them are ChatBots. A virtual Robot can speak, chat, and give the most relevant answer to the users. A ChatBot was specially developed to serve as a virtual assistant for a brand. Being a leading mobile app development company, we are well acquainted with chatbots and their importance in business. In this post, we will dive into AI chatbots to identify what it is and how does it work.

What Is Chatbots And Artificial Intelligence

Chatbots are a kind of robot that is used as virtual agents or virtual assistants of any brand. Its full name is chatterbots and is also known as IM Bot, intelligent Bots, AI conversion bots, talking bots, or Artificial conversation entity. Actually, Chatbots are computer programs designed for human conversation mimic. They are supposed to give a reply in text, audio, or in both formats. Chatbots are designed to respond to queries of users without disclosing their identity as virtual robots.

What AI Techniques Are Used In ChatBots

There are two techniques used in developing chatbots - Custom and NLP or AI. The first one is custom chatbots, a kind of chatbots that follow scripted instructions with some limitations. Custom chatbots are widely used in website popups. They are specially designed to cater services such as tracking visitors' information and providing support like a chat expert. They follow the basic coding structure and simple architecture loop. Just drag, install plugins, and basic chatbots are ready to use.

The second type is AI or NLP-based chatbots. NLP stands for Natural language processing. It simply means a language that collaborates between machine language and humans. AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, is very much popular since widely used in most tech gadgets and personal assistance like AI chatbots. It is an advanced version of traditional chatbots. It gives a quick soothing experience where users do not recognize whether they are talking with human beings or chatbots. AI chatbots are generally used in personal virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri, Cortona, and Dragon.


How to Build A ChatBots And Design Loop Structure

AI chatbots are the most advanced virtual assistant for your business. Thus, it is a plus point to have a chatbot. Multiple options are available for developing chatbots like free chatbots plugins, chatbot builder, or finding a developer. To build a futuristic chatbot that would act closer to the human being, follow the 3D method. 3D stands for design, develop, and deploy. In the design section, you have to look for chatbot cartoon faces that are trending and capture them. While development, choose a structure or question loop to perform script base Q&A. Deploy and place it on the preferred location like at the right-bottom corner of the website. Facebook messenger is also a nice place to put your chatbots.

Chatbot Builder: Most companies use free or paid plugins for implementing chatbots. You may be using it for your personal website. It can help you as your personal virtual assistant to provide 24*7 live support to your customers. Chatbots also can be useful for Facebook messenger. They can give an automatic and an apt reply. So instead of the live chat room, use chatbots to predict the future of your business.

Benefits of Using Chatbots

  • A chatbot can communicate with multiple users at the same time. On the other side, human assistance can only handle two users at the same time.

  • People love to get an instant reply for any issue. A chatbot helps in this situation.

  • It elevates user experience and decreases the bounce rate of any website.

  • Develop once and use it everywhere. Simply drag the code, and Chatbots are ready to use.

  • Social media is fun with AI chatbots. Facebook allows personal chatbots or virtual assistance on the messenger platform.

  • It helps in engaging the customer and provides live chat support even on weekends.

Disadvantage of Chatbots

  • Chatbots are functional robots. They are unable to answer those queries which are not included in the coding script or AI structure.

  • Chatbots require immense knowledge of the relevant audience and their requirements because that is the only way to improve the personal experience.

  • A lot of brainstorming is needed to find out the possible questions in the conversation of chatbot and visitor.

  • Usually, chatbot follows the loop structure. In that structure, visitors are bored while communicating for the second time.

Why Are Chatbots So Important For Your Business?

Many AI chatbots offer a remarkably authentic conversational experience. It is difficult to determine whether the agent is a human or a bot in that case. So it becomes a lead generator for your organization. This technology saves your time in giving a reply to a customer. It also serves the best values in B2B and B2C sectors. For an e-commerce business, a chatbot can show product ratings, reviews on the selected products. Recently Starbucks designed a chatbot for business purposes, and their customers found it very helpful. This chatbot book orders for food and solve the issue regarding their customer satisfaction. You can also develop a chatbot to give live support even on the weekend. Many popular brands adopt this trending technique to provide the best customer support.


Top Brand Using ChatBots

Chatbots are also used by top brands. Some technical gadgets and techno-friendly devices come with personal assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, Roof AI, Amazon, and MI.

Difference Between Chatbots And Virtual Assistance

Chatbots and virtual assistants are pretty much the same in areas like natural language processing and intelligence. But there is a tiny difference between chatbots and virtual assistants. Chatbots are employed in businesses to serve the customer, engage with visitors, solve the issues, track user information and make it easy to get the leads. Chatbots have limitations of usability and functionality because they follow a predefined loop.

On the other hand, Virtual assistance or personal assistant is an agent for individual users. It is used only in gadgets like Amazon Echo. Personal assistant like Siri or Alexa is used for voice assistance by giving automatic replies with the most accurate solution. For example, Google Assistant is a voice assistant. It plays music, calls your friend, makes a TO-DO list, talks with users to kill the boredom, etc.

Top Brand Providing Virtual Assistant

  • Amazon – Alexa

  • Microsoft – Cortona

  • Google – Google Assistant

  • Apple – Siri

  • Samsung – Bixby

  • Nuance Communication – Dragon

In A Nutshell

Often chatbots are very useful and valuable in business. It engages and communicates with the customers. With the use of AI technology, chatbots turn more productive and profitable. Still, there is improvement required in this technology to provide an accurate reply to users. So create your own chatbots to engage and attract the audience. If you are looking to develop a website, we are the right ones for you to do that. Acquaint Softtech is a leading web and mobile app development company, so drop an inquiry right now. Feel free to discuss your idea with our experts at or give us a call at +1 773 377 6499. Keep SHARING this piece of content with your besties.


Mukesh Ram

Founder and CEO, Acquaint Softtech

I love to make a difference. Thus, I started Acquaint Softtech with the vision of making developers easily accessible and affordable to all. Me and my beloved team have been fulfilling this vision for over 15 years now and will continue to get even bigger and better.

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