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7 CSS3 Tricks That Will Literally Blow Your Mind

July 16th, 2018

You can never get enough of CSS if you are a designer or a developer. Such is the charm of CSS. One of the best creations for web designers, CSS, may seem a lot at first and thus is assumed to be complicated. But, once you start with it, it’s so fun that you would be eager to know it more and more.

CSS3, a stylesheet language, has become much more powerful in many ways. To give you a view of that, we have brought 7 awesome CSS3 tricks that will change how you design a website.

CSS Neon glow fonts

You can make the text glow like this with the Neon effect in pure CSS3.


Create new loaders

The current rotating circle used to represent loading action is dull now. Try creating beautiful loading spinners with CSS3.


Animated Bubble Buttons

You can make the buttons appear more appealing with the power of CSS3. The useful set of animated buttons can easily convert any link on your page into an animated button by just assigning a class name. Guess what, you can do this without Javascript.


3D Texts And Models

In CSS3, you can create a stereoscopic 3D effect on texts using a few blurred shadows and an interactive 3D model.


The Parallax Effect

A website trend where the background content (like an image) is moved at a different speed than the foreground content while scrolling is known as the parallax scrolling effect. It can be easily created on CSS3 without relying on Javascript.


A Menu For Menu Styles

CSS3 has a menu for the types of menu you can create with it. Do you want an overlapped menu or a circular one? An animated sliding vertical menu or a blur menu with transitions? A fly-out one or a minimalistic one? A wheel or a multilevel drop-down? Name any, CSS3 has the power to create all.


Hover Effects

Generally, the portfolio section or product gallery is represented in a grid. Now you are no more required to be dependent on Javascript as CSS3 can do that trick. Here is an example of cool hover effects.


Bonus - Pure CSS GUI Icons (Experimental)

It is an experiment that uses pseudo-elements to create 84 simple GUI icons using CSS and semantic HTML. It is shared as an exercise in creative problem solving and working within constraints. This is not a “production-ready” CSS icon set.

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This is not the end. There is a long list of things you can do with CSS, and we’ve just highlighted a few. Using CSS instead of JavaScript, whenever possible, has some huge advantages: Unlike JavaScript, CSS cannot be turned off, thus providing a better user experience. CSS animations, transitions, and transforms are hardware-accelerated by default. And with modern CSS, you can leave out heavy JavaScript libraries.

Feel free to share your thoughts and reviews on our FacebookTwitter, or Linkedin pages. And, whatever tricks you want on your site, we can get it done. Just let us know your requirements via or give us a call at +1 773 377 6499.


Mukesh Ram

Founder and CEO, Acquaint Softtech

I love to make a difference. Thus, I started Acquaint Softtech with the vision of making developers easily accessible and affordable to all. Me and my beloved team have been fulfilling this vision for over 15 years now and will continue to get even bigger and better.

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