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Why Remote Work Is Here to Stay?

November 9th, 2023
Why Remote Work is here to stay.


The concept of remote work has been around for a very long time and has evolved over time. The majority of the credit for the exponential rise in remote work in the modern world goes to technological advancements. One of the other reasons for the massive shift was COVID-19.

Everyone has a different opinion about the type of workspace that is best for them. This includes businesses, employees and clients. As there are more advancements in the world of technology, remote work is evolving in many ways. It makes more sense, is more cost-effective and allows businesses to gain access to the best-talented professionals. This article attempts to explain why remote work is the future by describing the shifting landscape, the impact it has had and how it is evolving

The Shifting Work Landscape

Our workspace of the modern world is very different now. From using a simple Internet connection and providing basic services remotely to using high-speed Internet connections, working remotely is transforming the way people do business. If we were to look back just 15 years, it would be hard to imagine working remotely and being able to deliver the same level of quality as working in the office with all the resources and other talented personnel around you. 

Remote work is now done from homes, coffee shops, shared rental workspace and several dedicated locations worldwide. Several businesses also opt to outsource their projects to special companies or agencies offering the service they require. 

For those who ask the question, why remote work?; they should know that contrary to what many believe, the flexibility of working remotely does not affect the productivity or quality of work. In fact, it allows the employee more flexibility in terms of working hours and working space. At the same time, it means the business does not need to invest in additional space to accommodate the employees nor do they need to set up the additional resources. 

Every system has its pros and cons; however, this big shift in the concept of a workspace will continue to evolve and has much more to offer to all - businesses, clients, and the remote employee. 

Here are several statistics to decide the changing work landscape:

  • As per a Stanford University study, remote workers are 13% more productive. 

  • 68% of managers believe report working is for the better. 

  • Over 56% of employees can perform some of their tasks remotely. 

  • 40% more employers in the USA have the option of a flexible workplace now than before the COVID-19 pandemic. 

As per 64% of remote working professionals, it is more flexible, 44% believe it improves their work-life balance, 40% feel safer, 29% are more productive, and 10% believe it helps acquire new skills.

The Impact of Remote Work

The Impact of Remote Work.

The increasing popularity of the concept of remote working is having a profound impact on the entire community which should put doubts about “why remote work?” at bay. There are fewer hiccups with this type of work model; work can carry on as usual irrespective of natural calamities, disasters or any other unforeseen issue. Contributes to the global green movement. Communication tools and other remote working tools continue to evolve, simplifying the tasks for all concerned. 

This means all employers, employees, and clients experience the effects of the big change. Here is how it is affecting each sector:


  • It has brought about a significant transformation in the way companies operate. They have gained an increase in productivity with more focused work from the employees.

  • The quality of work has improved, as has the timely delivery of the project.

  • Reduction in the overhead cost declining need to martian a physical office space.

  • Better focus on expanding business globally.


  • Employees no longer have the restriction of working for local companies. They can work for any firm worldwide and that too anywhere.

  • Increase in job satisfaction.

  • Greater flexibility in the working schedule.

  • More balance in work-life. 

  • It allows them to pursue their career goals more efficiently.

  • Eliminate the need to commute to work and spend hours in traffic. 


  • Individual clients and businesses needing professionals to work on their projects can gain access to the global talent pool.

  • Avoid having to hire experts and invest in infrastructure for the project.

  • Hire highly skilled & resourceful professionals.

Remote Work Technologies

Remote Work Technologies.

The cutting-edge technologies are making a significant impact in the modern workspace. They are transforming how we work and assisting in more ways than you can imagine. These technologies are a perfect fit for those working remotely as well as those working on the go. In fact, it is fueling a new lifestyle for those who prefer to work from various locations. 

This is already the digital era, and the technologies to communicate and support remote work already exist. More businesses around the world are now taking advantage of this. However, the advancements in technology continue to make working remotely simpler, more cost-effective and productive. 

Technologies that are revolutionizing this way of working:

  • 5G: 5G brings high Internet speeds to your doorstep. In fact, the 5G networks are expanding readily across the globe. This is both fast and stable, making it ideal for businesses.

  • Virtual Reality: More innovative and advanced software is now available for VR devices, thus boosting the potential of Virtual Reality technology for this work model. It helps address several common problems of teams working remotely. For example, it is ideal for virtual meetings and conference calls, as well as working on projects together in-spite of being at different locations. 

  • Instant Messengers: Communication is key when it comes to working from a distance, and there is no dearth of messengers, video conference tools as well as dedicated meeting tools. With a growing feature set, such tools continue to play a vital role in ensuring this preferred method of working stays alive. 

  • AI/ML: Automation of work processes helps save time, reduces human error and helps boost productivity. It also helps organize a business, especially those that have adopted this work model. AI & ML are the main technologies driving automation at every level. It is perfect for timesheets, scheduling meetings, data analysis and making vital business decisions. 

  • Cloud computing: Cloud technologies are tailor-made for working remotely. Both cloud storage and computing are becoming the norm since they fulfil the basic requirement for remote storage as well as computing resources.

The Global Workforce

The Global Workforce of Remote work.

Businesses are evolving to adopt a global workforce with an international pool of skilled workers instead of restricting themselves to local talent. This allows businesses to hire people with specialized skills, curb spending, and eliminate the need to invest in expensive infrastructure. Firms that require expert consultation or talent for their unique requirements now do not need to reassess their resources, hire skilful talent or expand their infrastructure. Instead, they, too, can outsource their requirements and trust the remote employee to deliver stunning solutions. 

Here are the main benefits:

  • Diverse workforce for more complex and creative solutions. 

  • Establish a resourceful team with special skills and talent.

  • Improve efficiency and reduce cost.

  • Helps improve the level of flexibility and effectiveness.

  • Ensure you are not affected by natural calamities or disasters.

It is quite common for businesses to be worried about the complications that are likely to arise while opting for a global workforce. Some of the common issues include difficulty in communicating with the employees, social disconnect, conflict resolution, compliance, lack of motivation, real-time feedback, and managing payroll.

The technologies have advanced sufficiently to address all these issues and more in an effective manner. From cutting-edge communications to state-of-the-art remote office setups, the sky's the limit when it comes to remote working teams. Opting for a global workforce is the move towards a more productive working model, and it is here to stay for the long run.

Are you looking to bolster your team with top-tier talent?

Don't limit your search to local candidates. Embrace the power of remote work and tap into a global pool of skilled developers at Acquaint ready to take your projects to the next level.

Benefits of Remote Work

The long list of benefits more than answer the common questions, why remote work?. It is gaining in popularity, and all the signs suggest that it is here to stay, especially because it benefits all employers, employees and clients.

Benefits of Remote Work.


  • It directly affects the amount spent on the employees.

  • Establish a global team of talented professionals.

  • Helps eliminate or reduce the employee absentee issue.

  • Lower issues pertaining to office politics and conflicts.

  • Boost productivity. 


  • Can reap the benefits of freedom of work location and saving money on commute.

  • Be more productive with more innovative solutions as a result of being in a more pleasurable atmosphere.

  • Work in peace and quiet without any distractions instead of the traditional office setup that is noisy.

  • They can be their creative self in a more comfortable remote work environment, which you can personalize to your liking.


  • Reduction of overhead for completing project requirements and improved flexibility.

  • Gain access to a talented pool with special skills.

  • Build next-generation solutions to gain an upper edge.

The Rise of Hybrid Work Models

The Rise of Hybrid Work Models.

The difference in opinion about the best working model has led to the concept of a hybrid workspace. As the name suggests, it combines the best of both worlds, where the workers can work remotely and on-site to increase the level of flexibility. The advancements in technology make it easy for businesses to manage the hybrid working model. 

It allows employees to interact with the team members in person and also carry on with their work in their custom set in a personalized atmosphere. It is the ideal setup for reducing costs and increasing productivity. This is a model that many firms around the world have chosen to adopt, especially those with issues with the remote work model. 

As per remote work trends our preferences continue to evolve with more reliance on technology. 

Here are interesting facts and remote work statistics  that  help shed light on which is the preferred one:

Which Work Model is More Popular?.

Remote model:

  • The level of job satisfaction is higher.

  • The mental health of workers is better.

  • There is a distinct rise in the number of remote jobs available now.

  • 12.7% of full-time employees work from home as of 2023.

  • 16% of firms have opted for a 100% remote model for work.

  • Upwork estimated that by 2022, approximately 22% of full-time workers will opt for this model

  • The most popular remote jobs in 2023 is computer & IT, followed by Marketing, while that in 2022 was Accountant and Executive Assistant.

  • It is good for the environment.

  • They work longer hours. 

Hybrid work model:

Remote Work Challenges

There are many challenges with this model, but there are also several smart ways to overcome them.


  • Inform the remote employee about the strict work policies for working hours, communication and security to avoid confusion.

  • Combat performance related issues by establishing strict performance metrics.

  • Invest in software tools that simplify common tasks like tracking employees, monitoring performance, communication, and video conferencing.


  • Establish a dedicated workspace to help mentally separate work from personal life.

  • Dress as you would in an office and maintain a routine to avoid losing focus. 

  • Ensure there is no disturbance during your working hours.

  • Manage your time for productivity in the way you best see fit, with work time flexibility, time-blocking, etc. and stay focused.

  • Take frequent short breaks and be in constant communication with your team members. This will ensure the project stays on track.


  • Gain a clear picture of your requirements prior to approaching the remote team to avoid ambiguity.

  • Select the remote employee wisely to ensure high-quality solutions.

  • Enforce compliance and data security with a legal agreement.

What Will The Future Workspace Look Like?

What Will The Future Workspace Look Like.

Remote work has come a long way from the initial scepticism, especially from the employers, to global acceptance of this work model. The COVID-19 outbreak did act as a catalyst in ensuring this since now a lot more businesses are considering remote and hybrid work options. The future of working remotely seems bright, especially with the exponential rise in the software and tools available for this purpose. 

Hybrid working is likely to be more widely adopted by businesses globally. At the same time, a smaller percentage of firms will opt for 100% remote work. This will also mean the traditional working space might cease to exist. This will lead to smaller offices with only basic resources, an increase in the use of shared workspaces and a complete rethink of office space. 

The concept of working remotely has made a massive impact on several industries. Both businesses and employees have a lot to gain with this type of working model. Besides this, even the clients can focus more on their core business goals by outsourcing other tasks to a remote employee. Since remote work is beneficial to employees, employers and clients, it is no big surprise that it is here to stay.

The future workspace will most likely be a blend of office and remote-work options. Employees are likely to have more flexibility and maintain a better work-life balance. It will fuel a remote-first culture, more technological advancements and a greater need for cybersecurity and data privacy.

Best Place To Hire Remote Developers

There are several online platforms and resources where you can hire remote developers. The best place for you to hire remote developers will depend on your specific needs, budget, and the type of developers you're looking for.

When hiring remote developers, it's crucial to consider factors like their skills, experience, availability, time zone compatibility, and communication abilities. Additionally, always conduct interviews and check references to ensure that you're hiring the right talent for your specific project or business needs.

If you are looking for a highly skilled team of developers whom you can truly trust, then do not go any further than Acquaint Softtech. We are a well-established software development company that deliver next-generation website and mobile app solutions. 


Why remote work is the future? It has become a prominent feature of the modern work landscape, and several factors suggest that it is here to stay. While it offers many benefits, it also presents challenges as well. Striking the right balance between remote and in-person work is essential to fully reap the benefits of working remotely while addressing its challenges.

At the end of the day, remote work is a win-win for employees and employers. The benefits far outweigh the challenges. It is more flexible, allows for greater work-life balance, is more cost-effective, increases productivity and has a bright future. 

Looking for Remote Developers to Supercharge Your Projects?

Our team of highly skilled and experienced remote developers is ready to bring your ideas to life! Whether you need web development, mobile app development, or custom software solutions, we've got you covered.


What has contributed to the growth of remote work in recent years?

Technological advancements, a changing work culture, and the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic have all contributed to the growth of remote work. With improved digital tools and connectivity, remote work has become more feasible and productive.

What are the advantages of remote work for employees?

Remote work offers advantages such as flexibility in work hours, a better work-life balance, reduced commuting, cost savings, and the ability to work from anywhere. It can also open up job opportunities worldwide.

How does remote work benefit employers?

Employers benefit from remote work by accessing a global talent pool, reducing overhead costs, potentially improving employee productivity, and ensuring business continuity during emergencies.

Is remote work more productive than traditional in-office work?

Productivity in work can vary depending on individual preferences and the remote work environment. Some studies suggest that remote workers can be more effective due to fewer workplace distractions.

How does remote work contribute to environmental sustainability?

Remote work reduces the environmental impact associated with commuting, office spaces, and facilities management. It leads to lower carbon emissions and energy consumption.

What is the future of remote work?

The future of remote work is expected to include a mix of remote and in-office work options, hybrid work models, and a continued focus on technology and employee well-being. Remote work is likely to be an enduring trend in the workforce.

What should employers and employees consider when transitioning to remote work?

Both employers and employees should consider factors like technology requirements, communication tools, performance metrics, well-being support, and data security when transitioning to remote work.


Mukesh Ram

Founder and CEO, Acquaint Softtech

I love to make a difference. Thus, I started Acquaint Softtech with the vision of making developers easily accessible and affordable to all. Me and my beloved team have been fulfilling this vision for over 15 years now and will continue to get even bigger and better.


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